For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I can't wait to see your latest Yorkie? When does the listing start?
You actually anticipated my next question--experience with black dyes. It makes sense to me to use the best, and black was exactly what I was wondering about. I got some really nice black pieces on sale, but they're not always the same quality/finish as my whites. I'm thinking panda, here. :/
The only experience I've had with black dye was probably Rit, way back in college when I decided I needed some [INVALID] black undies but couldn't afford it and ended up dying some nice bras and panties and slips I already had. I'm here to tell you that mottled charcoal grey is absolutely not [INVALID]--but it probably preserved my virtue for a while longer!! :rolleyes:
oh no...well at least your undies didn't turn out purple, which happens alot of times with black.
I have to gussy the yorkie up a know add some glitz or something before I get her listed.
I can honestly say without reservation, that you will like Cushing dye. It did a wonderful job.
I have used the string mohair a lot. I always like to wash it in hot water even if I'm not dying it. The heat makes the fibers kind of pop open.