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Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Hi Everyone,

Well, with Dilu posting her new creations, and Marie sharing her new bear with us, I thought I could start a new topic where we could all share our new work.

So, who's first?


Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Yes, I love to see everyones new creation :D

I know Shari is about to finish her
bear(If she find the lost ear....)

and Eileen ! how about your bear bear_original

I don't meant to rush anyone because
I know you are all so busy, but if you
make one let us see it bear_original It's  so happy
to see someones else new creations
at here.


Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Guess what,I found a little scrap just big enough for an ear so I'm working on him now.He should be ready by tomorrow but I don't know if I'll like him,he's tapestry and not mohair so we'll see but I'd love to see everyone else's. Till then blessings,Shari.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

I'm with Miss Marie, I love seeing what everyone is doing.  It just plain tickles me pink to see the creativity and imagination and skill and talant- and yet realize that not all bears ( or Gollies) are for saLE.

It would break my heart not to see the work here.  I can hardly wait for the next installment-

My honey watches the FOX NEWS CHANNEL- all bad news all the time.....and I come here and it is fresh air and fun and inspiring and funny!

Bring it on you creative people!!!   bear_grin:lol::lol:  We can take it if you can show it! :D:D:D

Plus for some of us sheltered folks, who have yet to go to their first show- (October hurry up and get here...) it is a boon.

Happily waiting for Shelli, or Shari, or Judy or Danni or Louise or Rita 1 or Rita 2 or Laure or Sue Ann or anyone's new creation.

how about you gals who haven't shown us anything.  You know we are going to be positive and supportive and you know, just because of the goofuses that we are, we are going to go gaga over it, so share!


bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Well I must tell you Garnet and I, (Garnet mostly)  have been working on a new pattern for a more realistic Polar Bear. Garnet has a love for Polar bears due to his many years working in the far north. Also we lived for 2 years in Yellowknife NWT where it is daylight 24 hours in summer and almost 24 hours darkness in winter. I guess we are both partial to Polar Bears.

This pattern has had many a changes over the past 2 months. The head was to big, then the head was to small, then the double jointed neck was a laugh. Anyway we have established a pattern and I am working on him now. He is cut and sewn and just about ready to stuff and put together. His face is what I cant wait for. He is our first open mouth double jointed on fours bear. I will show you him when done.

Hugs Louise

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,951

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

CAN'T WAIT to see the polar, Louise!!  Know he is going to be outstanding!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh, Louise, I can't wait to see the polar bear! I think it's so neat that you two work together on your creations. Perhaps some here know a bit about the two of you and your bear history. I just think it's amazing - what a blessing to be able to share your talents this way.

I can't get my hubby to even trace or cut a pattern piece, nor tighten a joint! Of course, if he did try I'd be nagging at him, telling him he's doing it wrong!!!:lol: It would be fun to see the end result of just one bear that we made together...... hmmmm.....

I have three bears sitting here all done but noses... I just don't have the right color perle cotton for any of them... I'm going to the new embroidery shop I discovered this weekend so then I'll have new bears to show - one is a new experiment with feet.....

Hugs, Daphne

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Thanks guys. I will say that there have been a few arguments over this Polar Bear. I felt the head should be a bit larger and Garnet totally disagreed with me. He tells me ( And I will let him think he is right, for the time being)  bear_grin bear_grin that polar heads are much smaller than regular bears. Ohhh I guess he is right. They had a stuffed one (The Real Thing) in the mall and airport in Yellowknife.

Hugs Louise

He should be ready for his debute the early part of next week. (Not Garnet....the Polar Bear?)

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh your polar sounds amazing!!!  I just can't wait to see him Louise & Garnet!

This is little Neville who is 6" tall.

Well, I can't wait to see other people's creations - it's great to be able to see what's new!


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Wonderful Bears!! bear_laugh I'm bursting with inspiration . . . and can't wait to see that Polar Bear, Louise!

Excuses, excuses . . . :(

Marie, I've got 2 more bears almost ready for Primetime, but I was chased out of my workspace a few weeks ago by a flood of sewage--the old clay drains under the basement floor collapsed. I had to drag everything (everything) upstairs and pile my bear stuff into into a corner.

I had to set up my computer for my tutoring (and chatting on bear forums) but after a few frustrating starts, I gave up trying to sew from that pile on the floor. The plumbers are finished, finally, so right now I'm busy getting the basement back to normal and, when I can, reorganizing my workspace.

Meanwhile, the students keep coming . . . whatever happened to summer break?

The plumbers removed an old shower stall, so I've now got room for a table!! No more sewing on top of my keyboard, which is now so full of fluff that the keys are getting a bit stiff! I'm also claiming a few old chests of drawers rejected by my daughters, so I'll have some decent storage.

I am definitely expecting my own camera on July 26 (my b-day) and ought to be ready to charge ahead by then.
I'm suffering serious sewing-deprivation symptoms, but in the meantime I'm reading my new pile of bear books and taking Nancy's online course, The Business of Bears. And hanging out here, which keeps me sane in the meantime . . .

However . . . my rather skeptical hubby, noting how much time I have to spend on the tutoring, actually said (and I quote) "I really think you could make more money selling your bears" Music to the ears, or what??!!


millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

IM001269.JPGHere's my newest real fur creation.  He is made of sheared beaver.  I am having a hard time getting a good picture of him.  A picture cannot tell you how incredibly soft he is.  You have to touch him to appreciate him.  I will take him to the show this month and if he doesn't sell, he's mine to keep.

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

IM001272.JPGThis is my 24" girl that I just finished last night.  She has hand painted eyes.  I found some nail polish in a kind of deep plum color and a coordinating lighter shade so I decided to experiment.  I added a little violet bow and a necklace with a violet stone.  When this girl is in the light, her eyes really grab your attention.  I love it when an experiment works.

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oh guys, such incredible work!

Danni, I just love your little sweet heart. He again has that chubby round tummy that I love and his face just makes me want to melt. Adorable and beautiful color. I love the mohair you use. GREAT JOB!

Millie, Does this plump little fellow made out of sheared beaver have a name? He is so sweet and looks so soft. Great job! That adorable 24 inch little girl must have a name too. She is beautiful. I wish we could see her eye color on the picture. I bet they are georgeous.

Pictures are funny arn't they. Some of our bears actually look better in their pictures than they do in real life and others are so sweet but look like something the cat draged in in their pictures.  I dont know, I guess they are just like people. :P

Hugs Louise

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

IMG_0139.JPGHiya. Here is my latest Koala, Oliver. He is 4 1/2" tall and has needlefelting detail. He also has handmade eyes by a lovely lady Clare who makes fairies!

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oliver is absolutely adorable Amanda. He looks so curious about all of us! Too Cute!!!;)

Hugs Louise

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

All of these bears are soo adorable, great work with the needle felting on your koala Amanda, I've yet to try that on my mohair bears, the thought of jabbing a sharp needle into my bear's face fills me with worry :P

Bear Hugs,

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,951

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Great, great bears, everybody!  I love seeing this very fine new work from y'all!  My newest pieces are under the "fur samples" topic in the General Discussion forum.  If you haven't seen that new sample fur from Intercal, please look and add your comments.  Thanks much!

Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Okay,so I finished my bear,and yes he has two ears.I'm going to try to post a few pictures.I will put him on eBay tomorrow but I'm unsure of him.I kept wanting to fluff and scissor trim,he seems unfinished without all the regular fussing.I guess that's why I made him a passport,map traveling tag and a leather bag for all his stuff:lol: I'm thinking of calling him "Terwilliger".[img][/Picture3559.jpg
Hope this works,Shari.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Shari, Shari, Shari, I am in love with you beautiful bear. How on earth did you imagine that the material would make such a dilly-doozie of a bear. I think he is is ace! bear_original bear_original bear_original

Amanda Oliver is super I love his expression, I wonder just what he is going to say to us all! bear_original bear_original bear_original

Millie what a lovely big hug I could have from your beautiful girl, I wish I could see her eyes more clearly. Your real fur bear must be luxurious to cuddle he look so soft. I love his fancy necklace, so grand:) bear_original bear_original

Danni, little Neville is too cute. what a sweet little fella he is. He looks like he wants to raid the honey pot...ummmm! perhaps that answers the big tummy! bear_original bear_original:) 

i am looking forwards to seeing the new additions to the new creations page. I'll add mine as soon as I get the photograph done. i was going to take lots of pictures today but it's been far to hot. Phew!!!

Jane, in a state of semi-melt.

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

Sheri, I think he is just FAB- beautifully made.  It is not easy without the forgiveness of fur!  He looks all set to go on his travels to his new home.  I'm sure he'll do well.

Good Luck

Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Thanks Jane and Catherine hugs to you both:)

Jane it's cold and raining here just managed to snap a few pictures before it poured bear_ermm Can't wait to see your bear when it cools and you stop melting bear_grin

Catherine ,I love your site and your avatar is adorable.:D

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

IM001276.JPGWell, here is the best picture I could get of the eyes on my 24" girl.  By the way, she is now named Violet and the sheared beaver bear is no longer a he, her name is Ellie.  The necklace she wears is out of a lot of vintage jewelry I bought.

There are so many beautiful bears here.  I just am amazed.  You all do such great work.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh My about eye candy

Shari-  He is stupendous and I love his name - Terwilliger!  And doesn't he look well travelled, he is marvy and I am so glad you found his ear!

Nina-  great eyes  yum

Amanda  Your Koala really tickled me-  and so much personality in such a ittybitty face!  I love him

Nina- 2 beautiful bears yet so totally different!  The ears on the beaver bear scream to be touched, oh so soft....your little girl is so sweet

Danni- it amazes me how you can put so much personality into a small face like plaintive,

Everyone's creations are wonderful and I love them all.  You guys are so fabulously talented and creative- and the fact that you share is so sweet and open and generous..

Thank you   thank you  thank you  :):):)

Hugs and golly love!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,951

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Those purple eyes are wonderful Nina, and Shari, the tapestry bear is just sooooo great!  Glad you found enough fabric to make that other ear.  He turned out so well!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Hi Everyone,

Oh how wonderful it is to see new creations!  Millie, your fur bear is so sweet!!!!!  I love the colour!  Also, your gingery bear is adorable, and her eyes are amazing.

Your Koala Amanda is adorable!!!!!   I love the cheeky little face!

Shari - what a stunning bear.  You did an amazing job - confident too without any fur!  He's stunning and I think will do well for you!

Thankyou everyone for your lovely comments on my bear, you are all so sweet!

We wnat to see more and more photos though!


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