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sheilaleigh Sheila Leigh
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posts: 299


I would like anyone to give me some advice.  I've tried for the last 2 years to sell my bears on ebay.  They just don't sell.  Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong??  I feel like giving up on my bears!   bear_cry  bear_cry  What do I need to improve on? 

I'm sorry but right now, I'm so blue that I can't stop crying!

bear hugs,

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Well Shelia, i can't see why your bears are'nt selling. I have just checked out your website and they are wonderful.

Keep trying eBay, don't put their starting price too low and NEVER give up love  bear_wub

Good Luck  bear_thumb

Penny x

Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602

Oh Sheila - I'm so sorry your feeling down.  :hug:

Please don't give up - your creations are beautiful.  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Other Ladies with more  bear making experience than I have will jump in here I feel sure.

Sandra  :redface:

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

bear_sad I wish I had some advice for you, but the truth is I have felt discouraged about this myself lately.  Bawled my eyes out last weekend when another bear of mine didn't sell and I felt like unwanted dirt. bear_cry   I did try something this week that's different from what I have been doing.  I relisted a bear that didn't make reserve a few weeks ago.  Put her on with an average starting bid and no reserve.  I checked her auction a while ago, and holy cow!  4 bids and just under what I had for a reserve the last time--with over three days to go yet!  One auction really doesn't give a clear picture of what works 'better', if anything really does, but I tell ya, I am over the moon right now!

I'm sure someone with some really good advice will post here soon!  Ooops---someone did while I was typing this the first time!! :redface:

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oh my Dear! You are surely not alone. Prices and selling on ebay can be tricky. Your bears are gorgeous and of course you cannot give up and stop making them. Ebay is very hard to understand at times and it takes time to get a good feel for it. Even then it can be hit and miss. But never take personally what happens on ebay or that it is a negative statement towards your bears. Many well established artists have down times with ebay. It can be a very good way of advertising and getting your name out there even if the bear does not sell. Please don't be disacouraged Hon!

Many Hugs Louise

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

:clap:  :clap: Lisa, I printed that paragraph to hang by my computer where I'll see it often!  That is wonderful----Thank you!

Sheila  I've just checked out your website too.  Your bears are gorgeous!! bear_wub  bear_thumb  bear_wub   Makes no sense to me why they wouldn't sell!


ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

EBAY is tough even for bearmakers that have been working at it for many many years !!! I am like you ebay has been a rough testy expencive place to connect with collectors..I think ebay takes a bit of manipulating that i just cant seam to figuar out how to do or if i even want to ..BUT if i am going to keep living on my bearmaking im gonna HAVE TO start to get it right lol...As to your bears I took a look at your web page,and i dont see anythink glairingy scary about them at all so but down the baseball bat and stop hitting yourself with it ...Im my opinion the one thing i might try to move to is trying to use hipper funkyer trims and finnishing  stuff...Your designs are very cool and kinda young and HIP yes HIP !! the big feet are great and the non tradtional head and bigish eyes are just that cool and funky BUT some of the trims are very traditional ...I would suggest that you use your greaat skills of crochaing and make some cool trims IE felted hats.collors (with fuzzy stuff sticking out allover ) stuff like that. I just think that you are useing a nontradtional bear design(a darn good one by the way) and defalting to tradtional trims and the two dont allways go hand in hand...Its not your skills we can see that and dont spend any time on thoughts like that !!!..
PS pick up your tool's and start to play when we play we allways find a solutions.

MKinsey/TBF Teddy Bear and Friends
Lancaster PA
Posts: 390

MKinsey/TBF Editor of Teddy Bear and Friends

Here's the thing about selling bears: There is a ton of competition out there. You can't rely on just having really nice bears--they'll get lost in the sea of really nice bears available in the world. You have to get them in front of collectors in a variety of places so they have a chance to find you.

To start with, think outside the Internet. There are a billion listings on eBay, and a zillion Web sites. Go where the bear people are, and where there's less competition.  There are two U.S. magazines and lots of international publications eager to sell you ads and publish your photos in editorial (and editorial is free). There are dozens of shows with tables available and ads already purchased to promote the event. Retailers are always seeking great new artists--send them a portfolio and ask if they'd like to carry your bears. Enter your bears in competitions every chance you get. You might not win, but if you do, the publicity is well worth the entry price. Donate to auctions. You never know when or where a collector will see a bear and go looking for more of the same.

Yes, these ideas involve spending money--but you need to invest in your business for it to succeed. If you buy an ad for $250, you only need to sell a bear or two to cover the cost, and it might refer lots more people to your Web site. If you can find a show within driving distance, again, you only need to sell a bear or two to cover the cost. The promotion from both helps make your name more visible the next time you have a free blurb in editorial or someone sees your name listed on eBay or another auction site.

Speaking of which, you can't abandon the internet entirely. But you can't rely just on eBay, either. You're on the right track belonging to Teddy Talk. Do you have your bears listed in the marketplace here? There's a new auction site devoted to bears, Give that a try. Do you update your Web site weekly? Is it attractively designed and easy to navigate, are the photos good, and does it list your name and contact information clearly?

Then there are your sales tactics. When you auction bears, do you list different bears for sale each time? Are your photos good? Are you pricing your bears appropriately? Are your designs original, your materials high quality, and your workmanship impeccable? Are you doing the best work you're capable of, and does it compare favorably with other bears on the market?

There's no easy answer. Just as there are plenty of great garage bands who will never get a recording contract and gorgeous people who will never be models, there are wonderful bear artists who will never sell a thing. However, you can stack the deck in your favor by going after the sales aggressively and in a variety of places.

Good luck!

Mindy Kinsey

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Just as there are plenty of great garage bands who will never get a recording contract and gorgeous people who will never be models, there are wonderful bear artists who will never sell a thing. However, you can stack the deck in your favor by going after the sales aggressively and in a variety of places.

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Did I say AMEN???

You're a goddess, Mindy; thanks for your wonderfully on-target input.

I've done most of the things you recommended, having been advised to do so by my branding/marketing expert girlfriend Andrea when I started out -- charitable donations, website maintenance, eBay, magazine advertising, other sales venues (brick and mortar shops, internet stores), contest entries, events & shows, TT and other forums, researched & learned about photography, and the like.  And I've had a wonderful, thrilling, warm ride in this industry.... probably largely as the result of choosing to go those extra mileSSSS....!

It takes money (and an investment of time, resources, heart, soul, and will!) to make money.  It's an old adage but tried and true... that's why it sticks around.

Thank you for the reminder!!!


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

HI All,

In my opinion and that is ALL it is..........

SHOWS - loads of them are rubbish, bad attendance - badly advertised - expensive - no quality control etc etc.
I'm not talking about the top notch well run shows here.

Anyway why would i want to pay £100+ for a table + add costs of travel, food etc and THEN have to sell bears just to cover the costs?

SHOPS - simply, why sell a bear to them at way below your retail value when they get the kudos/publicity from stocking the bears and they get the custom NOT you?

MAGAZINES - i have only had dealings with one beary magazine and it was'nt a good one so it has put me off big time.

Sooooo, i reckon that the internet is still the very best way to sell independently. Ebay is a GREAT way to advertise, it will reach far more potential customers than any mag etc and is far far cheaper.
You have FULL control over your prices with no need to sell them at wholesale prices as you would if you supplied a shop. I have never understood why i should sell non mass produced bears in a factory style priced way.

If i am selling a hand sewn self designed bear why should i have to sell it like ordinary manufactured goods?

I like to be in control, and make my own mistakes etc.

Please don't think that i think all magazines are bad or that i don't like retailers that is not the case, but it won't do for me. I like to ponder things..... think a bit........ sew a bit........ draw up a pattern......... try it out, dump it or not...........have a cup of coffee.......look at the clouds.................not..............WORK WORK BUSY BUSY WORK WORK BANG BANG
bear_tongue  bear_grin  bear_laugh

Penny  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Thank you Mindy

Very timely, I am glad you logged on, your insight and experience and advice will benefit all of us.

I think the other thing that may help here; is your gimmick.  One of the strippers in Gypsy told Gypsy that:


You gotta have a gimmick, if you wanta get ahead!"

Now by gimmick here, I mean, your style, what you do with your bears to make them stand out.

Some people use beautiful hats, Jazzy Fran dresses her bears in wonderful lacy confections, Judi has her look, with air brushing etc.  Kim Basta makes adorable tiny bears....anything less than 2 inches is unbelievably wonderful in my book.

A year ago, has it really been a year?!, when i discovered TT and the artists here, i started looking at bears till my eyes were crossed.  I ate, drank slept bears.  (And bears aren't my primary thing) but i could tell what was good and wanted to understand why it was good.  I subscribed to the magazines  and studied the photos and read everything written.

Hey if Julie Bearikins is writing for TB&F she must know something, right? And the mags are at the center of everything going on, so what does the magazine say?  What pictures are good enough to be in the mag?  What do I need to do to get good enough.

What would make someone choose a Potbelly bear over a Runofthemill Bear?

Then I tried to translate the things I was learning into what I do....In some ways I am lucky, there aren't nearly as many golly makers

But on the other hand not as many people like gollys either

And the other thing that is so crucial!!!!

You have to keep trying.  You have to dry your tears and reassess...always reassess.  Its ok to have a


period, but if you stay blue too long you will loose the momentum to get going again!

Also, besides the places Mindy mentioned don't forget North Country TeddyBears  This is a new outlet for Teddy makers, but it is growing fast.

Also The Bears and Friends for sale right here at TeddyTalk. 

Here's the thing about TeddyTalk.  For every Talker is a lurker.....someone who comes to look at the pictures etc.  So you can post your bears for sale here too.  Just because the lurkers lurk instead of talking doesn't mean they aren't looking for new, fun and unusual bears. And this is a great place to discover a new artist and buy. 

Its a good place to try, it supports TeddyTalk, and collectors come here.....and collectors buy.

     bear_cry             I am sorry you are hurting right now.  I hope you feel the support here that we all have for you.   :hug:

My personal belief is that there is room for all of us, and to the degree we are willing to keep at it our passion will be rewarded. 

Dry your tears, darling Shelia, and know that we all truly understand your frustration, because we have all been there, and could very well be there again. 

But in the meantime, we have wonderful support here, and the collective support of all the wonderful artists here is sure to help us along our own artistic path.

The Gollys send you a message- don't give up on yourself-ever! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Gollygoodhugs to you Shelia


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

In my opinion and that is ALL it is..........

SHOWS - loads of them are rubbish, bad attendance - badly advertised - expensive - no quality control etc etc.
I'm not talking about the top notch well run shows here.

Anyway why would i want to pay £100+ for a table + add costs of travel, food etc and THEN have to sell bears just to cover the costs?

SHOPS - simply, why sell a bear to them at way below your retail value when they get the kudos/publicity from stocking the bears and they get the custom NOT you?

MAGAZINES - i have only had dealings with one beary magazine and it was'nt a good one so it has put me off big time.

Sooooo, i reckon that the internet is still the very best way to sell independently. Ebay is a GREAT way to advertise, it will reach far more potential customers than any mag etc and is far far cheaper.
You have FULL control over your prices with no need to sell them at wholesale prices as you would if you supplied a shop. I have never understood why i should sell non mass produced bears in a factory style priced way.

If i am selling a hand sewn self designed bear why should i have to sell it like ordinary manufactured goods?

I like to be in control, and make my own mistakes etc.

Please don't think that i think all magazines are bad or that i don't like retailers that is not the case, but it won't do for me. I like to ponder things..... think a bit........ sew a bit........ draw up a pattern......... try it out, dump it or not...........have a cup of coffee.......look at the clouds.................not..............WORK WORK BUSY BUSY WORK WORK BANG BANG

Oh and i forgot to add that i am not too keen on retailers bumping up the price of bears so that lots of collectors can't afford them. At least on eBay the bidders set the price of the bears themselves and as long as you price your bear at the minimum you would be happy with then i think eveybody wins in the end.

Bear Artists should be in complete control of their work from conception to sales

But like i said, this is only my opinion girls and guys.

Penny  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh dear Penny,

My head is took me a while to realize you were quoting you.....But

It's ok cuz you are unique and gifted and talanted and I'd read you twice anywhere.



SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I agree with the above . . . I don't sell on ebay at all and never have.  I advertise in the bear magazines, go to shows, and have a website.  I'am so sorry that ebay hasn't worked for you, Sheila . . . think it might be time to try something else, because your bears are top quality!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

So...what is the advice for those who can't really afford to attend fairs whether it be health, financial or other reason?  Or can't cough up $250 for advertising and are really just starting out.  I realize this is an investment in your business...but not everyone can afford it upfront.

I'm just throwing this out there...I'm honestly saving just about ever extra penny I have for "bear business" and doing it one step at a time.

And how do you get your bears in an editorial...whats the process for those of us who have yet to explore that?

Most importantly...Sheila...your bears are darling.  Don't give up!!!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

shantell wrote:

And how do you get your bears in an editorial...whats the process for those of us who have yet to explore that?

Most importantly...Sheila...your bears are darling.  Don't give up!!!

Both USA magazines have editorial opportunities for you to submit your work . . . free!  Teddy Bear and Friends has Bruins 'n Buddies and for Teddy Bear Review, this is the link to their editorial info.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I am in this situation too, dear!  I just had my bear go off with no sales! I thought my bear was good too!  OH WELL, BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!

Don't give up!!! I also wanted to add... I list on also and I have sold bears that way and made new customers... not all bear collectors want to bid on a bear so give it a shot!

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Stepping in briefly here, but this reminded me of something.  Has anyone ever looked into whether the 'artists of Teddy Talk' could buy ad space in the big magazines for a discounted rate?  They give discounted rates to other 'grouped' artists, such as those that are attending the same upcoming show.  Why not for this?  I imagine it would give Intercal the opportunity to promote itself on a portion of the page as well, if they chose to do so.

On another note, wasn't it Daphne that tried taking other TT artist's bears with her to a show last year?  How did that go?  Not every show allows artists to share tables, but what about the thought of having a Teddy Talk table featuring bears from around the world & splitting the costs of the show, with a volunteer (or one or more of the artists involved) manning the table?  I imagine it could work like the bear guilds of yesteryear, didn't they used to share tables at shows?  (Not that I've seen it, but thought I remembered hearing about it.)  Thoughts? 

Back to the bears,

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I think we had talked about it but it never went anywhere... bear_original  That would be awesome if we could help eachother out!  We can do it together gals! bear_original

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Hi Sheila,
I think everyone has given great advice - but I think the best thing to do is not to get blue about ebay - I have watched ebay too over the last two years - what a fickle market it can be - I have seen bears go for huge prices which are absolutely amazing artistry and also seen bears which would I assume only suit a specific niche market also go for higher bids than I thought was very likely.
My daughter and son who both sell on ebay maintain it has to do with your  item being picked up in a specific search phrase - so if you are aiming for miniature collectors - feature the word miniature in your title  and to take that one further if you have a lilac bear to sell - then put the word lilac in the searchable title (maybe it is one persons favorite color) if you think your bear is a funky modern design - then try again to integrate that in the title for search.Okay sorry went on a bit there  :redface:  all I can say to you is that it seems to work for them in >50% of items they sell
Most important of all do not despair - I think perhaps a large number of people who create bears are soo sensitive that of course they get upset if it appears that no-one has yet chosen to adopt a particular bear - however be confident in your own artistry and maybe try bearpile, or maybe bid4bears as well as considering other advice for making yourself known in the marketplace - I think your little bears are so sweet :clap:  :clap:  please do keep making them :hug:

ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

Penny please explain how collectors start and maintain collecting with out a retail componet to the colectiable concept..and how does that store stay open without a profit margin ..spell it out to me because this is how many bear artists think..we are at the bottom of the collecting world right now with little or NO exposer  no stores as 95% have closed ..bear mags are the smallest we have EVER sean and shows are down or have gone does your marketing collectable concept benafit anyone but yourself AND only on the short run..shows and retail HAVE to be apart of a collectable market OR YOU DO NOT HAVE A collectable you have a craft item!!
now that I have used up my braketime I need to go back to getting the 6 bears I need to finnish for the Nevada City teddy show as this being the 24year I would like to make the best showing I can so the collectors have som excitement over with some new designs as many only get to a few shows and it's their time to injoy time and people that love bears as much as they do...

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

I'll just add my two cents.  I agree with most of your posts.  Thank you Mindy for your input also :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

You are not defined by is just an outlet.  I am a huge believer in adversting.  WHen I take out an ad my website email increases noticably.

Self-trust is the first secret of success...

Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather.....
the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.

and my favorite.....Success is...a series of glorious defeats.....

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom...

Great things are usually built on a firm foundation of failure.

None of us becomes something overnight.
The preparations have been in the making for a lifetime.

Diamonds are only chunks of coal that stuck to thier jobs.

The great successful people of the world
have used thier imagination.....they think ahead
and create thier mental picture,
and then go to work,
materializing that picture in all its details,
filling in here, adding a little there,
altering this a bit and that a bit,
but steadily building.....steadily building.

and finally:

You can have anything you want
if you want it desperately enough.
Youmust want it with an exuberance
that erupts through the skin
and joins the energy
that created the world.

Okay, I'll stop now...

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

OK Scott, i'm thinking here..............

Firstly. why did so many of the retail outlets close? High overheads and declining trade?

Secondly, bear mags have declined too. Declining sales and circulation?

Times are changing Scott. Unless bear magazines and beary retailers face up to this and give the bear artists a better deal then they will go under, just as any business will when their niche market changes but they don't.

I've said it time and again Scott, collectors are our life blood and they ain't stupid! If they can go online and buy a bear from a website with a full refund if they don't like it, they will use that facility because it is  A. convenient   B. customer friendly e.g. no travelling etc and  C. Fun!

I know the US is a really big country and the UK is tiny in comparison but it is the same the world over - people like to SHOP! And with a 'Buy it Now' button on your website or on eBay we can give collectors the instant gratification of securing a bear at the hit of a button.

I am also a collector so i know what it's like to really want a bear - the thought of having to traipse miles to visit a shop is off-putting (and to be honest a lot of the artist bears that i like are'nt stocked by most retailers) and lots of retailers sell bears by artists that also sell on eBay so i know i can go and bid on one of their bears and win it without all the hassle of going through a retailer.

I keep saying it and i will continue to keep saying it..................the times they are a changin' as Bob Dylan said and bear artists are NOT at the bottom of ANYTHING! We are at the TOP Scott love, because we make the bloomin bears and without US there simply would'nt BE any magazines - shows or shops.

I could go on for hours with did ask!

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

Penny  :hug:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Penny and Judi - you are such wise women! :hug:

ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

I get that penny I did not ask for reasons to "click and buy" I have been in the this Biz And the artist jewerly indrestry and i am telling you very simply you do not have a collectalble if you do not have a true indrestry and "circle of collectable life" what you are saying is its a one way street ..What do collectors do when they want to sell a pease of art? go back to the artist? are you willing to buy back your bears if your collectors stop or die and a new generation does not want to keep the collection? How does a collector truly collect when its only a one way street and how do they find a price that is fair for the work when they go up sale value up or down? with your way of looking it would only be what your stated price was at the time of sale BECAUSE then it truly is just a retail product NOT a collectable  you have to have the full circle or you don't have ANYTHING and if a large portion of people in the indrestry don't support the circle then you don't have one...THIS IS NOT MY OPINION this is what any college level marketing and bisnues book says ...Make it -sell it-make a demand for it -resell it at a higer price because of a higher demand...what you are saying is that an artist has to be all of them in one and it cant be done you only end up with a repetive one way market and that is the definition of a disposable retail product not a colectabe peace of art...reguarless of what venue store internet mag or show you have to have them all and support them or you have no indrestry at all.

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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