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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

lulubears Posts: 280

Hi everybody!  In an effort to try to bring some of the fun back to the bear world, we are trying out some new ideas for the Albuquerque, New Mexico show this year.

First, we are hosting our "First bears" table.  We've asking the artists participating in the show to bring the first bears they made.  We will set up at table at the front of the showroom, with all the bears marked as to who made them.  We thought it would be fun to see where we all started and how far we have come.

Secondly, we are hosting our "Great Opportunity" table.  We've asked participating artists to bring bears and/or critters that will be set up on a table at the showroom front and sold at a set price.  Pieces that are 10" and smaller will be $50.  Pieces that are 11" - 15" in size will be $75 and anything over 16" will be $100.  No bargaining - no dealing.  Just 3 set sizes of bears/critters in 3 set prices.  Artists will be able to submit only 1 piece in each of the size categories, but this gives everyone an opportunity to get great artist bears at a great price.  Up until 1:00, collectors will be able to purchase one piece from each of the size ranges.  After 1:00, if there are any pieces left, the limit will be lifted.  We did this so that everyone will have a fair opportunity to purchase affordable bears.  Of course, the artists will have their own separate tables filled with their bears for everyone to purchase all day long

We thought this would be a great way to let new collectors start a collection of artist bears at affordable prices, and allow established collectors to add to their collection.

We're also adding photos of the artist's bears to our website as they send them to me.  Everyone can get a glimpse of what will be at the show.

Thoughts?  Comments?


DebbieD Posts: 3,540

I thought both are great ideas!!!  :clap:   It will be interesting to see what the public thinks...especially of the 'set price' bears.   Well done for tackling a show  :hug:   I do think its important to keep the teddy bear shows alive and going...

lulubears Posts: 280

Thanks for your encouragement.  We've been at this a long time.  This is our eighth year to host Albuquerque and our tenth to host our show in Ausin, Texas.  We just keep trying new things every year to help keep it fresh and help bring in new artists and collectors.  I'll let you know how the "set price" bears idea goes over.  The artists doing the show have been pretty receptive to it so far.   Luann

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Great ideas! Esp the first bears table...what an inspiration for the newbies and amusement for the seasoned artists!
Good luck!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

HA!  As one of the participants in the Albuquerque and Austin shows, I have to say I support Luann all the way . . . with much trepidation about the "First Bears" idea.  Sigh.  I kept my first one to always remind myself of where I started, but never really wanted to show him to anybody else.  He's pretty awful!  Big kudos to Luann for coming up with innovative ideas to entice a better attendance at the shows!!   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Great ideas, Luann!
I'm producing my first show this year and have more ideas in my head that I can possibly implement this year so hope the show goes well so I can try more things next year!
Freshness and variety are so important to keep interest!
I wish you much success with your ideas!

lulubears Posts: 280

Hey Sue Ann!  We all feel the same way about our first bears.  Just wait until you see mine!  I'll bring it along as well.  The good thing about this table is, we will not only be laughing at own bears, but everyone else's as well - all in good fun.  That opportunity doesn't come along often, and it will be interesting to see people's reactions.  I think we may find them looking at the "first" bears, then returning to the artist's tables to see their work they do now.

Daphne, I'd be happy to help you in any way I can.  I just jumped in, and have learned from my mistakes about putting on shows.  We basically use the KISS system, and it works for me.  E-mail me privately if I can help.  Most of all - have fun!


ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

OK so I know that many are tired of me going on and on about how shows,artists,and the bearword need to combine the show world with the online world..

How about this idea? on the morning of the show you start a "LIVE" thread for the show(we all know how tt's love pics)AND you up load a bear from each of the tt's that are at the show to the FOR SALE area AS a showday only listing !? day a live online at the show auction would be my dream !!!!


PS trying to figure it out how to do your show,with the The Bruin Sisterhood(Donna M and the group)...have heard good things from bev about your shows...

JanetandBears Janet Ann Anderson and Bears
Breckenridge, CO
Posts: 264

Hi Luann,     I think it is great to be trying new ideas to generate fun and more interest in shows.  That is what is so sorely needed. 
      I will be there with one of my first bears which started out LARGE  and will be able to bring him along accomping me in the front seat as I am driving down to Albuquerque.  Other shows that have done this idea I haven't participated in because of flying in.
      Looking forward to it!    Janet

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Scott..... neat idea!

lulubears Posts: 280

Hey Janet.  I think most of us started out with bigger bears the first time.  I'm glad you are bringing your first bear.  Hint, hint Sue Ann.  Ha!  I know my first one is about 15" tall.

Scott - as for the online idea, it sounds like a good idea, but my experience has been that if you don't include everyone involved, you end up with hurt feelings, and I try to avoid that at all costs.  I would have to have someone specifically dedicated to setting up a computer, finding out who is a TT member, getting photos, etc.  My staff of 3 (me, myself and I) couldn't possibly handle that.  Yikes!  (Of course, I'm not counting my ever-present husband, who helps with everything - and I mean everything- I do at these shows.)

I appreciate the comments about the shows.  We've hung in there all these years, despite never having been mentioned in any of the magazines.  We're in this for the long-haul!

We'd love to have you at the show if you can swing it, as we always have a good time.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

lulubears wrote:

I'm glad you are bringing your first bear.  Hint, hint Sue Ann.  Ha!  I know my first one is about 15" tall.

Okay, okay . . . I'm bringing him.  Have already got him in the bear wagon.  Sue Ann   

We'd love to have you at the show if you can swing it, as we always have a good time.

This is very true . . . we all go out together to eat the night before the show and visit.  FUN!  Sue Ann


Lewiston, South Australia.
Posts: 59

What a good idea with these two tables, love the first bear table. Must hint to the organizers here for Australian shows. I do still have my first two bears that I made and when I doubt myself I look at them and I know that I have come along way, but on the other hand I also know I still have lots to learn. Just wish I had more time to design and sew!!
Lena 66.gif

Listing Service Listing Service
My Mother
Posts: 85

The first bear table sounds like a lof of fun.  I think I still have my first bear.  It is a 4" flat bear made while I was still in grade school.  If I can locate it, I'll bring it along.  I can't bring my first jointed bear.  It is on display at the Clarion Museum.

I will however be bringing an assortment Intercal's great bear making fabrics.  If there is anything you want me to include, email me at

Looking forward to a fun weekned in Albuquerque,


PS: I have convinced Kjeld (head bear at Intercal) to come along for the ride.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi Dale!  How've you been???  Missed you in NC this year but stopped by and said "hi" to your mom and bought some of your great mohair stock!

Listing Service Listing Service
My Mother
Posts: 85

Hi Shelli,

I was there, just not the days you were. 

Wednesday 3:00 am - drive to Nevada City and set up the booth - leave for Schaumberg
Thursday - driving to Schaumberg - ice, snow, wind, rain, etc all the way to Schaumberg
Friday - arrive in Schaumberg - set up show
Saturday - work Schaumberg bear show - pack show - start driving back to Nevada City
Sunday -  driving to Nevada City
Monday - arrive Nevada City - Pack up show - drive home - home by midnight.

5000 miles and two shows in one weekend -- See, some of us work almost as hard as the bear artists.  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

DALE   you are the hardest working guy in the biz .. the amount of stuff you have, the constant packing and unpacking and then the drive time you log every year..YOUR VAN IS A LEGEND !! AND THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH US ARTISTS.!!!


Esmerldas Esmerldas
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 108

I'm so excited, we're actually going to get to go to Lulu's show!!! 

I'm working hard on the next bear .... find I'm doing things a whole new way nowdays.  We used to have several bears in the works at once, but now I'm doing one at a time.

Oh yes, Nick has ventured forth from the cutting table and is actually SEWING!!  He is working on his very first bear....its very exciting....maybe he'll have it done for the "first bear" table.....

I've got to turn out the closets to find that "first bear".....he's a sad thing, also a rather large one, no joints, embroidered eyes, etc.

If you all want another "report" from Lois the cub reporter I'd be happen to deliver!  Somebody let me know if I should pack her notebook!!

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684


I think both are great ideas.  As a collector, I would love to see artists' first bears.

lulubears Posts: 280

Thanks Chrissie.  I'll be sure and take some photos, and if the artists don't mind, maybe we can post them.  I'm really looking forward to it, and the artists coming to the show have really jumped in and offered to bring their first bears.  This should really be fun!


Esmerldas Esmerldas
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 108

So, who all from this group will be at Lulu's Show?   (how will I know you, a red carnation in your lapel?  a red rose in your teeth?)

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Bev, as far as I know, we have you, Mark, Janet, Luann, Intercal, and me.  I have volunteered (in another thread) to take photos, but feel free to have Lois report, too.  She's a hoot!  Don't worry, I'll hunt you down!

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