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They are all soo different and I love them all. Sophie your is great and I can see your style in him.
Lena 2566.gif


I only put Toby 2006 in the title so not sure how it got there. I did have congratulation in the text.
Thank you all for the nice comments I now feel a bit like an idiot for bringing it all up. But I did not want you all to think that I had disrespect for the Toby award.
So I will now put it behind me and get on with life.
Hugs from Lena. :hug:  :hug:


I know you are all nice people but soem times it can be one bad apple in the barrel.
I am sure that if I had typed it in I would have noticed the mistake. And I am all for the Toby award that I why I got soo upset. I won in  2004 so I would not say any thing bad about it.
After reading all the post here I will stay and I hope this will never happen again.
Bear hugs from Lena bear_wub


I posted a topic the other day congratulating the best in the bear community. When I got back to see who had looked I was very dismayed to find some one had added to my title,big con,  I can not describe how upset I was and as a kneejerk reaction I deleted the post. As it must have been some one with admin or moderator status to tamper with my text. There was in all 20 that had looked but not posted any comments. And I can understand why, you must all have thought that I was nuts to post some thing like that.

I have now had a think about it and I am very angry in deed that some one would stoop so low to do some thing like this. I am very new to this forum and now I will most likely not comment on any post again. I know that it is only one person that is to blame and you know who you are but it has put a damper on my belonging to this forum.
I am very saddened by the fact that amongs all the nice folk here that there is a bad apple that has spoiled it for me.
Who ever you are maybe you would be big enought to send me and email to explain your self!!!
Lena bear_sad


I use wire for my small bear and I wrap it with florist tape and it is great. That way you do not have a bare wire in the arm and it is easy to pose the bear the way you like.
Lena  bear_thumb


Stephanie Iknow how you feel. I was at a party some time ago. My daughters father inlaw's birthday I think it was. One of the rellies asked what I do. I told her that I make bears to sell. She just about patted me on the head and tole me how nice that I had a lovely hobby. I was too floored to answer her. So it is nice to be amongst likeminded people.


They are all sooo gorgeous, I have never liked these bears but have now seen some soo cute that Ihave changed my mind. I will be making some more and try to change my pattern a bit for the head.
Lena 104.gif


Here is my first attempt at anime bear.
Lena bear_noexpression


Hello Sabine, I am too swedish and live in Australia, I am still in contact with my school friend and some family. Sitll speak the lingo. Jennie and I have talked via Beary Cheap forum and email. It is soo nice to see some of my own country women out and abuot.
Lena 19.gif


What a good idea with these two tables, love the first bear table. Must hint to the organizers here for Australian shows. I do still have my first two bears that I made and when I doubt myself I look at them and I know that I have come along way, but on the other hand I also know I still have lots to learn. Just wish I had more time to design and sew!!
Lena 66.gif


I have never made a anime bear or critter but like to join the challenge. but have a few bears that Ihave to finish so I will be a bit late.
Lena  bear_innocent


Happy Easter to you all from Australia.
The rain is pouring outside and I am sitting in front of the pc making bears. With my pup Max inthe chair behind me fast asleep.
Had a Easter Egg Hunt Yesterday with my grand son Thomas and it was lots of fun. He is 5 and still believes inthe Easter Bunny. Soo cute. But I am sure that his mates at school will soon put him straight. Hope not for a while yet. It is soo endearing to see the face when he finds yet an other egg andthat he believes that the Bunny has put it there.
Happy Easter to all.
Lena vambunstr.gif


Happy first birthday from Australia, I have not been member for very long but like what I see.


What great bears Krista, you are really heading in the right direction. So hope to see more photo's of your new bears.
Lena 2566.gif


Jennie love him, he has the sweetest face.
Lena 64.gif


I am in awe of the talent of Judi and Erin's hubby."Sigh" You both do such great work. I have just started to felt my faces onto the bears and the avatar is one that I like the best. But as you can see I have along way to go yet. But I love it so will keep on and in the end if I can get half as good as you two I will be very happy.
Lena 55.gif


I also love needel felting and have started to do my bears faces and I like the outcome. So I will be back at your website to check out from time to time.
Lena  bear_thumb


Hi Jennie and Clare, I have taken the plunge and joined as well.I have taken a quick look around and it is awesome. Soo many posts. Phew. bear_shocked
Lena  bear_flower

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