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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Judi, you're serious, right???

The labels are there for the manufacturer to alert the retailer to not remove, so the consumer knows what (contents) they're getting. Consumers - Remove 'em!


K Pawz Guest

You guys are a riot!!!! And so lucky to have free boxes!!! I buy mine at Staples for $5.99 for 3 boxes, and then there is usually gift boxes inside of these that contain the creation purchased, (wrapped up like a gift so that the person on the recieving end will not forget the experience of opening a K Pawz Creation), which I get from Michaels for $1.49 so it costs me a wack to ship not to mention insurance...but I am pleased to say I still am not at a point where I have to charge any handling charges!!!


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

No to completely plow this topic into another arena, but those mattress local tv station just did an undercover story on it.  They bought "new" mattresses with the new white tags and when the cut it all open inside the "new" mattress was this disgusting, old, stained mattress  bear_shocked (GROSS!). 
Refurbished mattresses are legal to sell, but they're suppose to put a yellow tag ont he outside so that you can tell the difference.  SO if you're buying from one of those places with low prices and stacks of mattresses...Look at the tag and mention you know about the color code!  (It was really too disgusting to see!!)

And YES, once you buy it you can remove it  bear_original

fribblesltd fribbles, ltd.
Kalispell, Montana
Posts: 679

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!  [shudders]  I saw those specials on the Discovery Channel about the bedbugs---makes my skin wanna CRAWL off my body!!  Ick!


Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

c025.gif    YUCK !!!!!!!!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

YUCK! just can't trust anything anymore........

You guys don't re-use boxes? Oh boy. I even re-use bubble mailers. Not because I'm cheap, but it's just better for the environment.
Maybe I'll do what Krista does, inside my re-used box, I'll put a nicer gift box inside.

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Yes, I reuse boxes for shipping!!  Anything that's clean and reusable I keep in one specific storage container.  I don't keep more than that containers worth for space reasons.  The outside packaging for me is the "industrial" strength stuff that keeps the bear/item safe.  That box doesn't have to be "perfect" and can be re-used.  Once that box is opened it's what's on the inside that I make special with tissues, ribbon curls, and a handmade thank you tag.   
I can't imagine tossing a creation into an envelope like Bobbie mentioned someone did to her!!


Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

OK I am seriously grossed out bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_cry  bear_shocked  bear_shocked
We were going out tonight to get a new mattress for both my husband and I 's bed and my sons, and I noticed a discount store , Big lots had Sealy Mattresses really checap, ewwwwwwwwwww now I am wondering if that is why they are so cheap. I think I will go to the more expensive store just to be on the safe side.   Man everywhere you look someone is trying to make a buck at others expense. I saw a thing about how heavy an old mattress can get with dust mite stuff and that grossed me out but at least they would be my little mites..

On a much better note how cool Krista to get a present, that is a wonderful idea.

Bear hugs and feeling really itchy right now, thanks guys  bear_noexpression

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

You know it's funny I was talking to a friend who is also an artist in dolls and we were talking about shillers and she said that she noticed that the ones in the doll area, not only shill, they copy text from auctions, listing and selling formats and creative ideas , sometimes they just outright copy someones work, I told her I felt it was laziness and lack of real creative ability and talent, look at all the really great artists on ebay, they are original and have been that way for years, their work and style are their own, they don't take short cuts, they are respectful of their fellow artist,  those are the real professionals.  And it's almost gotten funny, when you see someone copy someone else, they think it is hurting the artist who they are copying, but it only makes themselves look bad. I think what my friend says is true, "if a person is willing to copy another artist, they are willing to do anything."
When I am talking to a new artist that is starting out on ebay and they ask for tips, the first tip I give is, learn what other artists are doing and do something completely new and exciting, that will get you to the top quicker then anything. I am a firm believer if you have talent, you work really hard and come up with something new, you will do pretty well in the bear business.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I'm so glad to see we're off the shilling topic! Seriously! I've been avoiding this thread!

I've been 'spoken' to by the PO for using the Priority labels with the tops cut off them (now they print them with a watermark anyway just as the boxes are marked on the inside now too) and for turning boxes wrong side out. I tried using brown paper over them but then got a lecture on how often that paper comes off in transit. Then not only would the address be gone (of course I wrote it on the box too!) but if there was a USPS box under there being used incorrectly and it could be traced back to me I'd be in 'trouble'. It all just isn't worth it.

I reuse boxes and bubble wrap and the styro peanuts and I love those plastic pillow things! But I try to be good with the USPS's free shipping supplies. ("TRY" I said!) :P

(Edited to add that I didn't see Jodi's last post. So we're back on the shilling topic. Oh well. It too is a good thing to be well aware of!) bear_original

K Pawz Guest

Sorry but I have to disagree with you a tad there Susan, sure we are all bear makers, but when we strive to create something original and then a couple weeks later see something very similar that someone else has created it is a big  let we spent all this time creating and thrashing our brains and creativity, and somebody else comes along makes something very similar without using their own brain power and poof, they are selling something that came from our brains....this actually just happened to me, and the person selling it has more for it in the first day than I ever got, it's all in the name it seems sometimes!!! I know when we put them out for sale we are opening ourselves up for copying....and that we are influenced by what we see, but there is a difference between using an idea and tweaking it to make it our own and out and out copying with no originality....

this is not directed at anyone just a general statement it has been said before there are only so many ways to make a bear, but.....there are many different and imaginative ways to add to that bear and make them truly original.

Edited to say this has nothing to do with jealousy at all, but dissapointment that someone does all the work and others just come along and the hard part is done, the idea! and then they just mechanically create with the brain child of someone else!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Krista,
     I have to agree with you.  When we were at school it was called "cheating" when someone copied another person's work, and that person got in a lot of trouble.  We all have the ability to come up with original ideas, so why should someone just come along and copy a new idea with bears, just because "they can" and it doesn't take much work - it's unethical.   I'm not pointing fingers at anyone - I just don't see how it can be viewed as acceptable, especially when it affects an artist's ability to make a living.  Each artist should put in the time to develop their own style.



Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko

K Pawz Guest

Sorry Daphne, there was a post before mine that I was responding to but has now disapeared...sorry for the confusion.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh no, I saw it. I'm not confussed!  bear_tongue

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

When I first started on eBay which was in 1999 , man I feel old, bear_sad  I listed my first bear straight from a pre made pattern, I put that in the description and it sold for a whopping 24 dollars, I thought I had made a fortune, I then used the pattern as a guide to give me an idea on how a bear is made, because it didn't seem like something I made, so the very next bear was completely a pattern I designed, it made 41 dollars.
      Well that was it, I was so excited I started sewing like a mad woman. But making a great bear was not enough, I started seeing how others had photographed their work, Janice Woodard of Boohbear was an artist that made the most beautiful bears and she advertised them so well, they popped off of the auction page.
      I realized that I need to not only make a great bear I needed to develope my own selling style, I spent about 4 months watching all the artists listings, so to carve out my own niche, I made my very first  Storytime Mouse ,   it went for 100 dollars, it was in mohair, I made about 3 that way and then I saw Deb Canham did these wonderful mohair mice, well I didn't want to try to "re-invent  the wheel" so I came up with making my mice in plush wool felt, the first few were pretty rough but they got better with each new one,  when I listed  a mom and baby set, they made 300 dollars. I fell off of my chair I was so excited.  :dance: I have been doing them that way since.         
      Now do  I think it's wrong if someone else does mice , no, I love seeing new mice peek in, in fact I have bid on some really cute ones, because I collect little mice of all kinds. What is wrong and is completely wrong, is when the person copies my creative work as a whole, I respect the work of my fellow artists, I admire them and the effort and time they put in, to get where they are, now if I teach someone to do something like mine, I would have no problem with them using it, but when I list a mouse or bear on ebay I am not putting it out there to have others copy it, be inspired by it YES, but this is my business and it takes money out of my pocket, money that I spend on my kids, college is not cheap.   I know that when someone see's an auction of mine that does well and they come out with one like mine, if the person does it a couple times no biggie because almost always they end up finding their own style.  It is wonderful to think that I inspired someone. I had one now famous artist write to me when she first started out for some tips and help getting started,  I did and I do it all the time, I love to help new artists make it, if I can save someone from making a mistake that I made, GREAT!.
      I understand that we all basically make the same things, but there are a billion ideas out there and as you can tell from 99.9% of the members here on TT you can make a bear,  but you can put your own style to it and make it your own without stealing anothers creative ideas.  Here on TT there was a mouse challenge and not one mouse looked like the other and they were all adorable.  My feeling is though, that is someone is willing to copy anothers creative work for profit, what else are they willing to do?  As my friend, that is a doll artist  said, she see's it all the time. 
     So to all the new bearmakers out there, it is not wrong to be inspired by someone and it is even OK to copy someone if it is just for yourself and you are doing it to practice trying to get better, but if you are like me, you will not be happy until that bear that is in your head roaming around, comes out.  You will find your own creative style and it will just feel so right. 

Bear Hugs

P.S. someone had asked  me if it was OK to use a certain way an artist made something, I said yes it was, but ask the artist if it is OK first, then if she says yes, credit her with it, I have seen artists do it before and I respect them so much,  but it isn't long before they have morphed that, into their own style that is completely different from the original artist.  That is what is really wonderful. :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

You guys don't re-use boxes? Oh boy. I even re-use bubble mailers

Yep, Heather, I, like the rest of you, recycle everything that I can. The only thing that I use totally new outsaide boxes on is the purchased work: eBay & others. Paying as much as my customers do, I like it to look like a brand-new-just-for-them present from the moment the mailman hands it to them. Inside protected by bubblewrap and/or the newer style of bubbles (the 3" x 5" rectangular bubbles) is the themed gift box. Inside that is the bear purchase, and nestled in the tissue packages is a 1" x 2" miniature book and my *Land of Lincoln* items - a shiny new penny and some chocolate 'coins' - foil-wrapped Lincoln pennies about 1.5" across.

I knew these candies existed and looked for a year before finding the manufacturer. I put them inside a small zip-lock bag: in case the chocolate should ever melt, it's contained. I get many compliments on the surprises.

Now - - needles, kits, fiber, paperwork... all of those go out in re-used materials, but nice sturdy ones. There's some pretty shoddy cardboard out there so I choose to save only the better type!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Ok, so I'm not the only one who re-uses boxes. PHEW

although Bobbie, you're right, if they pay alot for a bear, it's nice to get a 'new' package. I can appreciate that.

Krista, copying sucks. Plain and simple. I agree even I have 'copied' someone. I have used another person's pattern and tried to make mine look like theirs. That's fine. It's also find like Jodi says to credit the artist if you are selling.

But blaintant copying is just crazy, and the nerve some people have is amazing. I would never have the guts to copy someone so obviously and then put it on ebay for all to see.

The never ending love/hate with ebay.

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Hi all,
      I wanted to Thank everyone for responding to this thread, I appreciate everyone's input and opinions, it was nice to see that I was not wrong for HATING shill bidding, it completely hurts our business in so many ways and as my friend said, people who shill bid, are some of the same that copy other people's work for greed or malice, to try to get ahead and to take shortcuts that it has taken years to learn. I am not talking about the brand new bearmaker who is just starting out , of course you will copy others work, I did, let's face it, all Teddy bears started with that first Teddy (which I know is an on going debate with who made it first, I tend to think Steiff did, but like politics I won't open that can of worms bear_grin )
      I must say I also learned in this thread to not turn priority boxes inside out, because it's illegal , which  "I would never do":whistle:
      And if I buy a new mattress I am going to make sure there isn't an old one lurking inside  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry
      And last but not least, that when you are housebound with  a hyper 11 year old boy and an even more hyper chihuahua you can count on TT for some wonderful interaction with some really great teddy bear makers.

       Big Bear Hugs


fribblesltd fribbles, ltd.
Kalispell, Montana
Posts: 679

I recycle, recycle, recycle...and I also get the boxes from USPS for Priority Mail.  I use the ones I have on hand first, and stuff with styrofoam peanuts---since I collect polymer fairies too, I get lots of those---but I am at all times conscious of the environment. 

Did you know that, according to research, metals are the only worthwhile object to recycle?  All the others take up more energy than the use of raw I try to get my paper products used at least a couple times around.


dogdayafternoon South
Posts: 35

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen too,
  I have been reading these posts for many months and now feel I must respond. There are times as a collector that I want to buy and times I must slow down for a month or two. This time of year for me is it. Taxes, grand children, spring break=our kids, etc. etc. and etc. I am a collector of bears. Many bears from artists that are members here on TT. I think many of the posts are very helpful and that many of you are so very supportive of your fellow artists! How grand~ However, there are a few of you that are just down right mean and vindictive in a sneaky way! Have you ever looked to see how many people are logged on as guests? More than 95 percent of the time, guests are logged on! Many of these guests are collectors reading your posts. The collectors that buy your bears! Many of us have found you thru TT. I have bid on and won 5 bears from TT artists in the past 5 months. In fact, I was one of the collectors that spent the most on a bear from you ever~ Made me feel like a Queen! Have become e-mail buddies with 3 of you. Does that put you in a shill bidding category????? Do you think as a collector I would have bought your bear if it looked like Joe's down the street. They are all in a league of their own! I do not want to spend 5,000.00 dollars on 3 bears to have them all look like the bear next door. They are all different! Beware! The insecure, mean and vindictive person you feel is your friend may turn around and put you in the shill bidding category!!!! And consider you a copy-cat~ How sad, that it has all come to this! Shill bidding???? Did the person that keeps using the word; "shill bidding", really look into the bidding??? Many bids have been made with many other artists here on TT. And those bids were won!!!!! I for one am going to consider where I spend my money from now on~ I think it might be helpful if you all leave your dirty laundry at home in the washing machine where it belongs and keep this post to helping each other! UNLESS OF COURSE YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO BACK UP WHAT YOU CONTINUE TO SAY~IN THAT CASE, PLEASE COME FORWARD WITH IT AND BRING ALL THIS TO A CLOSE!!!!! Sincerely, Debbie~A BEAR LOVER

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

I have had problems with a couple of people on ebay that I did absolutely nothing to, but they have copied my creative ideas and have now copied my childhood memories that I had published in a magazine.  One of these ladies even contacted collectors of other artists  to try to get business from them, which made the artist really, really mad. These woman have been involved in business together, then bid on each others work that has their own work in the auction their bidding on, I know if I was working with another artist I would NEVER, EVER bid on that item, it just is not right.   

One of these ladies have even read an article I did in TBR magazine and put it in their current auction almost verbatum, I have added a picture to my listing to show where I came up with the idea and the article they copied and the funny thing is I have copied their listing description , so even if they delete it, I still have it.  Please go check out my listing  #330096919472 to read what I had wrote in the article.

Also these woman have tried to place a bid on my auctions with the purpose to ruin my feedback.  They have tried to do it twice.  But you know what, what ever a person puts out, will come back to them ten fold, in the future when something goes bad for them, they will have to have it in the back of their minds, Hmmm is this because I harrassed another person.

These woman were turned in for shilling , and it wasn't even me, but I sure wish I had, so many artists were watching their bidding habits and were upset by it, I just found out about them thru a collector of mine a couple weeks back,  these are the type of women that have made eBay a really bad place at times.  If they are willing to copy someones work, and copy someones childhood memories , and try to ruin someones feedback,  really just think what else they would be willing to do.  Just think you may be their next target.

I am sooo glad this topic was brought up again, it was almost off the TT radar, with ebays new private bidder system it has made shill bidding a hot button issue.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_ermm I'm so confused that I'm not sure I understand what shill bidding is, anymore . . . bear_ermm

Debbie, it's good to hear a collector's point of view on all this. Most of the regular posters here are very nice people, wouldn't harm a fly types, but we do tend to get worked up from time to time. And personal. I blush :redface:  to think of some of the things I've shared with the world, but usually rescued by a memory so bad that I can't remember what they were.

On copying, I think Debbie's right--collectors probably know as much or more about the market than we do, and they'll drive the copiers out. I still don't understand why eBay cannot find a way to catch copiers of text and photos. If there isn't a program that alerts them to such duplication of auctions, there should be.

I haven't had the honor of being copied myself, but I have benefited enormously from the tips and techniques, not to mention the support and the beautiful work displayed here on TT. If anyone felt I was copying her/his work, I would want to hear about it.

But when I design a rabbit or a mouse or a penguin or a bear, I don't really look at anyone else's I've got a gazillion photos of the real beasties stored in my picture files, and I work from those.

The only time I really tried to duplicate another's work was during Paula's traditional bear challenge, when I downloaded as many pictures of early Steiffs as I could find. Richard Steiff wouldn't have lost any sleep over my traditional bear, but I certainly did!

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

to refresh everyones memory according to ebay here is what shill bidding is:

"Shill Bidding is bidding that artificially increases an item’s price or apparent desirability, or bidding by individuals with a level of access to the seller’s item information not available to the general Community. Shill Bidding is prohibited on eBay.

Because family members, roommates and employees of sellers have a level of access to item information which is not available to the general Community, they are not permitted to bid on items offered by the seller – even if their sole intent is to purchase the item. Family members, roommates or employees may purchase items from a seller without violating this policy simply by using purchase options – such as Buy It Now – which do not involve bidding."

So when you see questionable auctions read the feedback , look at the peoples bidder ID history have they changed it a lot,  read the artists description, are people bidding on auctions they are a part of???????   If you see people violate the rules set by ebay , turn them in, that is the only way people who are involved in shill bidding will be off of ebay.

in a challenge it is OK and meant to be copied, challenges are wonderful ways to motivate and inspire people to maybe get out of their safety zone, and we all have started bear making because we saw some really great bear and wanted to try to make one like it, what is wrong is when someone spends years working on their craft to come up with a winning combo and then has someone new come along and use your winning idea, trying to take some of your business away by copying.

As I said I have had one of these ladies try to bid on my auction with the sole purpose to ruin my feedback and harass me. If they are willing to do that, what else are they willing to do?

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