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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

bear_noexpression It's a well known brand of 'senior' diapers, Penny. bear_noexpression

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Hey Penny, You are 35 and still having zits? That's what I thought I had when I was about 25...went to the dermatoligist and he called it " adult Acne ". He said its usually the adult women that get it  because what causes it most of the time is ...women like to put on the moisturizer on  to banish wrinkles but they don't do the other 2 things that make for healthy clear skin.
Another thing is many women ( like me ) the skin dosn't get rid of the top skin cells ( slough off ) like it should so...they get a build up of dead cells on top  and underneath the skin breaks out ,looks awful...Here's what he told me;

The 3 parts to healthy clear skin are...Clean with a non irritating facial soap or cleaner
                                                      Remove the dead skin cells  then rinse with plenty of water

HOw to remove the cells...Get a small facial scrubbi pad , use with the soap and GENTLY move it in circles all over the face . I say gently because I did this once and ended up with " rug burn ".Then rinse with plenty of luke warm water and pat dry.

I do this once every 2 days if I have not done it for awhile then I do it once a week. Wowl.. you will really notice how much better your face feels and how soft it is , it looks more youthful too.I use Clariton facial soap, lasts a very long time.
Penny...if this is not your problem then you may  have an allergy...milk does terrible purple and red zits to the face if you are allergic to any milk products. My son insists on keeping his runny nose and sinus problems and some zits every now and then ....,,,because he has to have his ice cream ! LOl... Winney

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Winney - I've been told that women can have 'adult acne' as a PMS symptom. Then there is the myth that chocolate casues them. Either could be the case here! I crave chocolate when I have PMS so I'm double doomed! I don't moisturize - my face would be one big zit if I did as I break out from any moisturizer and many cleansers. I just have super sensitive skin.

Thanks for the cosmetology tips.... very good advice!

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Now to spoil the level, I can't compete with all you beautiful ladies. I don't know if I really look like my bears, I think maybe I'm like them a little...firmly stuffed, some wobble joints and a big smile.



SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jane, you're a very cute girl along with your very cute bear!!  bear_original

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, and what wonderful curls.  I've been fighting my own curls since I owned my first blowdryer at the age of about twelve.  I envy you!

But Jane you have a tiny little pert nose and for sure don't look like your bears in THAT regard!

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Jane ...that bear has your eyebrows !  He has a wonderful open mouth .Wish I had your curls too...Winney

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

WINNEY - No i'm not 35 and still getting zits

I'm 45 and still getting zits!!!!!!!!!

If i were 35 i'd be happy as Larry whether i had zits or not! ho ho ho

Spotty OLD Penny bear_tongue

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

Yep, I get the zits too! I teach middle schoolers, and sometimes I swear it rubs off. Every month I break out and when its all under control, a new month begins! bear_rolleyes

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

I deserted that discussion because I didn't want to talk about "zits", but I'm courageous, so I'm there :D.
Zits are such a pain...:(
I was hopping it would disappear when I would be older... Unfortunately not... bear_sad

You know what, from day to day I'm getting more happy to look like my bears bear_original.

More photos, more photos, more photos, come on:).

Lots of hugs to you, beautiful girls with your beautiful bears:),

PS : DearestbelovedDilyDilu, thanks again:). But in fact, I am really shy... I'm not self-confident and I have lots of problems to talk to people face to face... Talking is a pain (not the same as zits, though, but a pain for me however:) ) :/... You see, I would like to see all of you in real one day, but in the other hand, it would be even worst with you as my english accent is terribly bad...
Internet is a marvellous thing !:)
Maybe I'm just a geek :D...

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Marion,
                     You are a wonderful bear-maker and a lovely person ,so please don't put yourself down like that.  I too lacked self-confidence, until I got a job,and to survive I had to build up my self esteem. Believe me it can be done. Your are a beautiful girl, so go out there into the big world and give it something to remember.You can do it. Hugs Rita xxxx

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Thanks a lot, dear Rita:). I love your sentence "Go out there int he big world and give it something to remember". It's truly inspiring and it touches me very much. I think I will write this on a big paper in my bedroom and look at it every morning or something like that, thinking of you and other great bear-makers girls over here:).

You're all wonderful !

Lots of bear hugs,

PS : Photos, photos, photos, photos, Photos ! bear_laugh

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

I prefer this comparison, although the first one is probably more accurate. bear_grin

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Laure!!!  You are soooooooo pretty . . . but then we already knew that from your first avatar.  Did you make the top photo bear??  Uhhhh, very unusual!!  :lol:

Marion, I'm 64 and zits are no longer a problem . . . but old age spots . . . now that's another story!  AAACCCKKK!!!  Fortunately, there was a period in my life that I had neither one, but those days are gone forever.  Your English is supremely better than my French, my dear, since I know about three French words!!  Look at you . . . you converse VERY well with all of us here . . . and we understand everything you post!  Most of us probably don't know any language other than English, so you're way ahead of us.  Believe me, I understand your shyness and lack of confidence - been there, done that - but with your talent in bearmaking and your natural charm, I can't imagine your not being successful in life.  Value yourself and everybody else will, too.  Big hugs,

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Marion, here's another  one for gaining confidence in places where no one knows you...

"Walk in there like you own the place " no one will even know the difference. Just try it once for fun , let's say in a strange resterant. People may stare but just stare back and one will know what you are up to...he, he,
Oh picture is back up ! I love it...that bear is so exuberantly silly , shows the playful side of you and I believe it has a tad bit of your eyes ! Good sculpt and very unusual bear.... are you keeping her ?
I have a few bear heads I sculpted, my family said " Hey mom, look just like a baby seal ".I think I need more practice.... Winney

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Yes, I made the bear.  Its face is cernit, a polymer clay.  I learned to sculpt teddy faces in Earline Maples Bromer's class.  I enjoy sculpting, but in the future would prefer to make "cuter" faces.  The only thing I don't like about the sculpted faces is that they are hard.  to me, a teddy bear should not be that hard.  I saw some dragon faces at a show recently that were soft, the artist told me what I can use to get soft faces like that, only problem is, the material I would be using does not accept pigment once it is finished.  He told me a process I can try that will allow me to open the pores to accept color, then close them again.  I'm still chicken to try it, but I have spent considerable $$ to get the materials, so I've got to give it a go eventually. :/:)

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Marion, if you think you are a geek , then I am one too because I feel the same way you do.:|

Laure, you look just like your bears!!!  You too Paula!!!  I love all these pictures.  Keep 'em coming!!

Dilu Posts: 8,574


This is really scarry-but Judi just might have it right- the gollymaker looks like her gollies


But there is similarity in the eyes.....:D:D


Oh well


Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Dilu. What a lovely smile you have, just like your Gollys. That why your gollies always look so happy. Its a lovely piccie of yourself and your gollies.  Hugs Rita xx

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

You are a classical beauty my dear Dilu - you look like you should be wearing Dior or Chanel dahling

And your dancing golly is so sweet - but you don't resemble it apart from the fab smile :D

Penny - the ugly duckling amongst all you Babes

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Penny....Dear Penny,
Get over it, Girl!  You are NOT an ugly duckling.  You really look FINE, totally objectively speaking, even if I didn't know what a charmingly humorous crack-up you are.  Do you think you would lose your charm if you quit seeing yourself as ugly? You certainly would not. Come out from behind your clown mask and be the wonderful, seriously funny REAL clown that you are.

Said in Love, with Hugs,

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Sun Lo Moon ! He is one of my very favorite bears bear_original. The person who has him now is very lucky:).

Thanks a lot for the tip, Winney, I will try that as soon as possible bear_original.

Many thanks for the very kind words, Sue Ann:).

Laure, I hope you'll show us how the soft sculpture clay works ! It sounds very promising !:)

Lots of hugs,
Marion bear_original

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Laure Sweetheart

You sound just like my mum bear_laugh

I only joke around about how i look - i know i'm drop dead gorgeous really, but i do enjoy a bit of angst now and then :mad:

Penny bear_laugh

Dilu Posts: 8,574

1.  All you ladies having to do battle with zits.....have your doctor check your homone levels....frequently our levels are out of whack and this can lead to zittipoos. 

2.  Winney gave excellant advice on skin care; but, BUT :  Don't forget the aboslutly most important thing we can do for our skin.
     It's free
     It's easy
     But don't do it after 6pm or you'll be up all night


Lots and Lots of water, at least 8-10  8oz glasses


Nurse Dilu

OH I just love seeing all your pictures....we would recognize our TeddyTalk club anywhere....
well....maybe not O'hare airport or something like that, but at least at any teddybear convention!

It is so fun seeing all of you, I personally think that there is no such thing as a not beautiful woman- unless the woman is mean spirited, evil, wicked, and downright bitchy....those types can be  ugly because they are ugly inside.

.  But when a woman is a wonderful creature, so full of love that she pours  that love into whatever she does, gardening, bearing, cooking, whatever, this woman is truly beautiful.

So Penny throw away the bags- your beautiful

Jane, " firmly stuffed, wobbel joints and a big smile"  honey that big smile is beautiful....and you probably don't see it, but I do

Marion, here's a SECRET about languages and accents.....( I have lived in Switzerland(school) Italy, Germany....the secret is sooooo sillly but it is true.
                       If we try, if we make an effort to learn the languages where ever we live, 99% of the people we come in contact with will forgive us all out misspronunciations, our total absence of correct grammar, the use of wrong words....they don't care!

They think our accents are "charming"
They are pleased that we try
They honor our efforts, no matter how pathetic those efforts seem to us

Soooo ma petite chou chou; sie sind tres jolie.....hmmmmmm:):)

I should be forgiven anything that was learned more than 30 years ago!

And Marion, just wait, what we see in you that you don't see, it will come, you will grow into it.....It's in your face, give yourself time

and don't worry about your accent....we will love it!


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

AMEN DILU!!!!!! and YAY!!! WE FINALLY GET TO SEE YOU>  I am so happy to be able to put a face to all these posts!

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