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This might not help much, but it is an interesting link:

The tag you show has this : Item No 7593. That might help you is you ever come across a list of Russ Berrie bear models.


Here are two pictures of a Hermann bear (#62-50) that I have that is that size and looks similar.






It is very unlike the other teddy bears (mostly Steiff and Hermann) that our Mom had.

I have a caramel color one also:



Apparently I have a number of Käthe Kruse teddy bears. So far the ones I have all have the square gold and red hang tag, but none of them, even the ones in their original plastic bags, have any other identification or any other tags! Grrr, it makes it very hard to search for them or describe them well. LOL, at first I thought the tag had the model - after all it says "MODELL HANNE KRUSE" so I thought is was a "Hanne Bear".... wrong, they all say that!

Here is a beige plush non-jointed bear that I have. The dress is not original (our Mom liked to dress her bears). It is 21 inches tall. The eyes and nose are black buttons I'm pretty sure - that's what the back of them feel like.

Does anyone know more about Käthe Kruse bears or any sources where I can learn more about them? Thanks in advance.





You have such adorable bears and a wonderful story to go along with them! You made my day, THANK YOU!



The board seems to be really quiet, so I thought I'd post a bear made by Althans in West Germany back in the 1980s. I think it is a cute bear!




Next time I'll have to give him the bottle opener in addition to the bottle of bear!


Imagine the stampede if someone drops a jar of honey!  bear_grin


He's a very happy bear (especially later in the day) but I my camera skills are not so great.  bear_noexpression


Here is a cute Nisbet teddy bear - Paddy, The Irish Bear



Here is the Felpa Mutzli teddy bear that I have. It is 19 inches tall. Notice the tag on its chest. The tag is about 3/4 inch in size.

Here is a close up of the tag - see how it is attached to its chest.

Hope this helps you!


Ebay has a listing right now for a "Rare Uneeda Bear Plush Stuffed Jointed Moving Arms Legs" - says 10 for size, is a plush bear.


I have some Mutzli bears, though they don't have clothes. They do have a small round paper tag that is attached to their chest with a plastic tie. If I were a Mom and giving this bear to a child to play with, I'd take that tag off for sure.

If I get a chance, I'll take a picture.


GraveSong wrote:

Which ones do you have? bear_laugh bear_laugh

Who are you asking??? I have lots of the two four inch plush bears. And my mistake, I didn't sell the elf (as I call it) bear - I still have him for sale too. All my Russ bears are here



This 17" elf by Russ Berrie I sold a while back - it was cute!  CORRECTION - I did not sell him! Just thought I did.....

These other small four inch tall plush ones I still have for sale - in fact I have a box full of them! They date back to 1979.



My store - Bears2Adopt Store



Just for comparison, here is a Hermann bear - a little bit larger. So far (and that's not saying a lot!) all the Hermann bears I've looked at do not have the stitched paws and they all have a fairly distinct hump on their back. The small Steiff bears that I have do look very much like the above bear. I'm just a novice at all this though....




Most of the bears we have are like this - we even have quite a few in the original factory sealed boxes! Mom intended to open a Teddy Bear store so she bought lots of bears (and dolls). But she never tried to sell any. So I sometimes come across ten or twenty of the same bear, never touched.

It is almost like Christmas every time I get to pull another box out to see what is in it and add it to the inventory! I can't even get to a lot of the boxes yet.  bear_original


bear_grin He's gotten quite a few hugs already as I've carried him from place to place in our house! He is quite the armful and appreciates every hug he gets.


I found this large Hermann teddy bear in a box of other bears - he is a large bear!!!! I took this picture of him standing up - he is 32 inches tall! I'm going to have to find a big box to ship him when sold! bear_original


This is playing around with the camera. I was suprised that he looks like two different colors. bear_shocked

I thought he'd like to play in the sun for a little bit....



I just came across this Hermann Zotty teddy bear in one of the boxes from our Mom's estate. It is really cute! From what I can tell it looks like a Zotty bear. It is 15 inches tall, five way jointed, has fluffy fur which I think is mohair. The original green Hermann tag is attached, From it's size I think it is model 85-35, but I'm not sure - these Hermann bears are very hard for me to identify.

Just thought you'd like a look at that cute bear before I sell it.




Awwww, that is so neat!  bear_original  bear_original  bear_original


LOL, okay, I can't resist! I think the one on the left is a Labrador Retriever, not too old, and living & breathing. Just kidding!!!!!

That is a good sized bear, though I have no clue what it is. I have a teddy bear a little bit larger, no tags or any other form of ID on it. Aaarrghhhhh!


Here's wishing you a much, much happier 2014, a New Year for you!


I have a huge bear also! One of the many from our Mom's collection that I am selling. But this wonderful bear has me stumped for two reasons:
1 - I have no idea how you would possibly ship him (the unstuffing idea might be the trick).
2- There are no tags on him, nothing I can find to even begin to identify him.

He is huge - as he sits on the floor like this, he is about 3 1/2 ft tall and about 3 ft wide. And he is heavy! The box I'd need would be very large and the weight would drive the cost up a lot. So how does one ship the very large bears? (I have other big ones that are Steiffs, so I'm wondering about those also).

Do you have any thoughts on an id for him? Any wild guesses even?

He is cute!!!


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