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DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:hug: You're more than welcome to name your chickie Broomhilde  bear_thumb   It would be an honor  bear_flower

I've looked and was stunned to find I didn't have any pics of Broom in the nestbox! Nuts...the pics I've downloaded to my computer now won't upload.  This just hasn't been my week, and its starting to extend into the month  bear_noexpression

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

sorry about your photos too debbie
how frustrating !

ok ill go ahead and make my chicken soon,
was she red or white or brown ?
broomhilde it is :-)
perhaps i can make you feel a teensy bit better byt remembering a fine bird as well
cat xxxx

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

She's a buff orpington, so a yellowish/golden colour.

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

cheers ... ill see what i can find - i have a fabric stash so im commited to raiding it - not allowed to buy more at the moment !

cat xxx

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_laugh I know the feeling!  I keep drooling over new furs, but have to use up what I have first.  I'm sure Broom would be honored, so thank you for doing this  bear_flower

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

np - if i lose this thread ill post it under her name when i have done her ...
i might also show you my other chicken too :-)

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:hug: Thanks Raggy Rat  :hug:   Looking forward to seeing your chickies  bear_thumb

PaintsNMinis Sidhe Bears
Vienna, NJ
Posts: 41

Aw, Debbie, that's so sad!  I feel the same way about my chickens, ducks and geese.  And yeah, vets are the same here about them.  Although, my mother-in-law did find a vet for one of her ducks when it was attacked by something (I think a raccoon), and the bill was $300, yes, they did save the duck... and one of the receptionists was a "rescue", so she took the duck in (AFTER the bill was paid, of course! )

They all get to be so special. 

We have a little Sultan Bantam roo here that's five years old now, the only chicken we had til this year (when I got 30 more banties), and he's the biggest pet, if anything happened to him, we'd both be crying our eyes out.  They're never "just a chicken" to us.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Your little Sultan Bantam sounds like a right character!  What's his name?   bear_wub

That's one lucky, lucky ducky  bear_original

macy1029 Posts: 24


I don't care what type of pet you have but we all find incredible loving traits in them and we love them with all of our hearts.  I am very sorry for your loss.  I have 2 parrots and I love them madly.  I know your little girl will be missed.

macy1029 Posts: 24


I don't care what type of pet you have but we all find incredible loving traits in them and we love them with all of our hearts.  I am very sorry for your loss.  I have 2 parrots and I love them madly.  I know your little girl will be missed.

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

ok - i hope it makes you smile debbie
im not good at names but here are pics of broody broomhilde the osmington-puff!
(theres a place near me called osmington with a chalk horse - and i often mix up my words like this!)
she hides our family pot of keys !
theres also a pic of 'brown' my original chicken, a door stop for my kitchen door ...
cat xxxx

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:clap:  Oh my gosh, she's perfect!!!   bear_shocked   She looks sooooo much like my Broody Broomhilde  :hug: Thank you!!!  :hug: I'm sure Broom would be tickled pink to know she's still 'brooding something'  bear_rolleyes

Do you know, not a single one of my other girls will stay in the nestbox like Broom did?  I figured one might take up the habit, but no, they go in, lay their egg and scoot. 

I've seen the pics, I think, of the "Uffington Horse" that right?  Specacular, especially when you think they did it all from the ground.  I just love that loose flowing artistic stlye.  And you were veeeery close...Broom, and the other girls are Buff Orpingtons.  They take longer to mature than some of the popular breeds because they're a dual purpose chicken, meant for laying and meat.   Obviously we won't tell the girls about the 'meat' part  bear_whistle

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

i knew i was close with the name thats what made it so funny heehee!
im glad you like her
shes pefect to look after our keys ...
i only eat eggs not meat so the girls are safe from me :-)

i love chickens
thnaks for giving me the push to make another for my flock
cat xxxx

Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

bear_shocked Debbie, do you mean like this:

What a fantastically blondey birdie! She was blessed in life to have such a lovely colour: I never thought chickens could be like that!

Gosh, there's some wierd varieties though... … l/25_1.jpg

XD Poor souls... at least Broom looked a little more dignified, eh?!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:clap: Yep, perfect!  You've found a pic of a buff orpington....and yes, they look pretty much like the girlie in the pic.  Mine have just finished a springtime moult so they've still got white fluff round their bottoms as they grow in their feathers.  I tell them their cotton bloomers are showing  :crackup:   Yes, it takes very little to amuse me  bear_whistle

Cat you've really done a brilliant job with your redition of Broom  :hug: Thanks again for showing me the pics  bear_flower

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

you are most welcome debbie
i would like to make a white hen now to brood my phone, broad band thingy and the wires so it looks tidy :-)
cat xxxx

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

You'll have quite the flock, and everything will be sooooo organized!   bear_wub

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

and impossible to find lol !!! :crackup:
"which chicken is it under, mum?" :crackup:
cat xxxx

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:crackup:  :crackup:

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

just been looking at your web page - if you had a links page i'd offer to trade links with you ... links really work !
glad i made you laugh :-D
cat xxxx

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:hug: Thanks Cat and  :bday:  :cake: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!  :cake:  :bday:   I've been a bit off the computer with inlaws visiting, and some manic yardwork.... that's still not finished... phew!  bear_shocked

My Freewebs site has been playing silly nickers with me, but I managed to stick up a page for just links.  If you'd like to exchange with me, that'd be great!!   bear_thumb  I'm a bit rusty, having only put up one other link before, but I'll give it my best shot  bear_thumb  bear_flower

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

would you like the link here
The Raggy Rat Company

good luck
i get mine done for me - duh !
ill request a link back
cat xxxxx
ps broomhilde is right at home
i always know where my keys are  bear_wub

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