For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Here are some pictures taken at the Maine Teddy Bear & Fiber Arts Show on Saturday, July 26, 2008.
The weather was perfect for the beach but luckily a few decided to come to the show first! Attendance was not earth shattering but not down from last year and as always, those who came were buying! The Ornaments for Giving Tree was a huge success with all handmade items by our artists selling for $25 or less and artists donated part to all of the sales to the show's non-profit beneficiary, Habitat for Humanity.
Enjoy the photos........
Ornaments for Giving Tree... taken later in the day with many ornaments already purchased! Habitat for Humanity's table is to the right.
Luann Bowen (Lulu Bears)
Betsy Reum (Bears in the Gruff)
Deborah Stewart (Stewart Studios)
(I just have to point out my Dad's sheep there in the foreground... they are felted knit and were a big hit!)
Kelly Zimmerman (left) checking out the goods at Edinburgh Import's table.
More coming.....
Here are some of the other 'Fiber Arts'...... Annie Dolls by Nancy Nye and to the right dolls by Nancy Walker ('Tis the Season Design Works)
More 'Fiber Arts' by Jen Carson - The Dragon Charmer. Her work was very popular at the show! Everyone seemed to love seeing something so unique to bear shows.
Jackie LaRochelle of Bearied Treasures did a demonstration on pattern design and had a very large and captive audience!
Sandi Rexford (Snowy Day Bears and a TTer)
Luann Bowen showing off her new bag made by my Dad.
Dad made it through a good part of the show working at the admission table with my hubby and a few of the artist's hubbies who volunteered an hour each to help out. (As many of you know my father has suffered extensive life saving surgeries and lives with chronic pain and fatigue, IBS, the list goes on. He's been to the beach and that tan makes him look so healthy!)
A few more to come...
Great Pics Daphne, again the venue looks wonderful and it's great to be able to put a face to an artist name. Glad to hear that it was a good day.
big hugs
Lynn & Phil Gatto - Limerick Bear
Pat Wright-Buckley - Buckley Bear Company
Vicki Stephan - Raspbearies
People's Choice Contest Entries:
That's a moose up on top... he was very impressive!
Winner and photos will be posted on my website this week along with a full show review!
Daphne, Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful pictures. It's so great to see your dear dad standing there looking so happy and that bag that Luann bought looks wonderful. The show looks as if it was well organised and in such a nice bright venue. Well done to all the artists, there looks like there would have been a few new bears for my collection if I had been there.
Hugs, Jane.
What a treat--thanks for sharing these pix, Daphne.
I love your Dad's sheep!
Great Pics.
Looks like a great show, Daphne. I love your venue with the windows and light coming through and, of course, I envy your closeness to the ocean.
I love your dad's sheep and he really looks wonderful! So glad he was able to be there part of the show and participate. I bet he absolutely loved being there with you.
Thanks for sharing, Daphne!
Your photos are great.
Beary hugs,
Hi Daphne,
So lovely to see the wonderful bears at the show, so thank you for sharing. I agree with everyone too, your Dad's sheep look quite adorable, and it is so nice that you were all able to share the day together. Your Dad looks really great and when you think what the poor love has been through. We all wish him the very best. Now, how about some close-up piccies of those sheep!!!!
Hugs :hug:
Thanks for all the photos, Daphne. Looks like it was a lovely show!
It was a lovely show as always. The ornaments were beautiful. They were all so unique and creative.
I was great seeing everyone again. Such beautiful bears - I had to keep reminding myself that I should be bring home less bears not more. A rabbit did find it's way back to VT though.
Looks like a great show Daphne! Congrats to you and all the artists involved!
And your dad looks GREAT!
Beautiful venue, wonderful organization, and fantastic artists! Love, LOVE your dad's sheep and I agree that he looks good . . . hope he feels at least half as good as he looks. Super photos and terrific creations - what more could one desire? :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Looks like a fun show! Your dad is quite an inspiration too... love his sheep & his positive attitude! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Great pics, looks like everyone had a wonderful time too! That's such a pretty venue, I love all of the natural light.
What great pictures, and so nice to see a picture of your dad!!
Didnt get a chance to talk much or say goodbye! but thanks for a well run show Daphne and a cute "treats " bag too! There were some lovely bears and other critters there! so many bears i want so little money! :crackup: was great to see everyone! hey you girls should make Sandi show you her bear in CURLERS!!!!
what a sweetie getting ready for her big debute!! deb
Yes, Sandi - do share that picture! It's a riot! I loved it!
Great looking show and a BEAUTIFUL, light-filled venue. What a treat!! And I'm really glad to hear it was a positive experience with shoppers bringing home lotsa wares. Thanks for sharing, Daphne.
Jeff Here.
My wife was there to sell not buy!
I can not believe you would let her do that.
If and when you come to Austin or New Mexico I would do that for your other half.
Good pics.
Luann said she had a good time and was very happy with her sales.
Hope she get back soon, we are almost out of cereal and lunch meat. Just kidding. It's milk I am almost out of.
Jeff..... she sold.... so she bought.... isn't that how it works?? I thought that was the whole point of doing a show!
You won't be able to keep me from buying..... I'll just be careful not to get 'caught on film'!! :twisted:
We live next to a dairy farm... I'll send some milk right over!
2% please
I'll get out the skimmer! BEtter yet, I'll just have them milk the skinny cows for ya!
OMGSH! What awesome pictures Daph!
It looks like everyone had such a wonderful time and the little bears and critters are wonderful. How I would have loved to be a collector at this show.
Great job as always Daph!
Hugs Louise