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psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Cute thread!
I asked for an airbrush. After seeing Judi's work I must have one!
I want an open mouthed bear from Shari.
Any bear from TT

I WANT A PONY NOW!!! not fair!!! I'm very happy for you, but very jealous.

I wish my family shopped the teddy supply sites, Then it would be really easy to ask for stuff.

Also asked for a sewing machine. I'm sure my poor mom wants her back.  :redface:  :redface:  :redface:  :redface:

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

Golly Christmas list are alwasy so hard for me.....

1. Baby stuff - fun girlie stuff!
2. Diapers - start early
3. My waist back - I'd love to touch my toes!
4. Mohair or New sewing machine
5. Extra money to have dates with hubby

I'm not a big jewelry person, I dont wear what I already have. I love getting gift certificates from my students so I can go eat with hubby or see a movie or buy something later when I realize I need it.

I really drive my family nuts. Always had to work to figure out a list. I'm not a big "me" person. I don't "want" alot. What I really need is a maid and someone organized to get my stuff together for me!! Oh and naybe a massage!

Okay I'm done ranting....  bear_wub

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379
Daphne wrote:

I'd wish for:

3. A cure for Diabetes  bear_thumb

4. Our puppy to stop going potty in the house!  bear_wacko

Perhaps I'd be better off asking for a new sweater??????  :whistle:


and peace.....sniff

..and a sign from my sister that she has made it to Heaven. bear_innocent

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379
gotobedbears wrote:

hmmmmm let me think..........

1. George Clooney dressed in a sharp suit  bear_rolleyes

2. George Clooney dressed in jeans and t shirt  bear_smile

3. George Clooney dressed in birthday suit  bear_whistle

but as a second choice i'd settle for.....

Johnny Depp
Brad Pitt
Christopher Lambert

BUT.... i'll get perfume, jewellry, chocolates and clothes as usual...gee it's tough being a woman

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh
If you get this can I come over and play? bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379
psichick78 wrote:

I asked for an airbrush. After seeing Judi's work I must have one!

aaawww Heather.... :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

I would like an even more remote house with no neighbours and enough room for a rescue donkey,a faster end to bear bile farming,an end to the fur trade,a 1964 dam viking troll with ginger hair and more time to sew!!!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

nettie wrote:

a 1964 dam viking troll with ginger hair

I love trolls, too!  I used to have a small collection of them and one had wonderfully soft hair and glass eyes and was significantly older than the rest, but I think that collection got handed on to Salvation Army or Goodwill at some point.  Darn it!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,767

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Kirsten wrote:

What I really need is a maid and someone organized to get my stuff together for me!! Oh and naybe a massage!


YES!!!  Ditto for me!

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

To be absolutely selfish:Face lift
Bum lift
liposcution for my
Breast Augmentation 
Breast Lift 
Camouflage Cosmetics 
Chemical Peel 
Chin Surgery
Endoscopic Plastic Surgery 
Eyelids  lifted
Injectable Fillers 
Laser Skin Resurfacing 
Nose Surgery
Permanent Eyeliner 
Spider Veins  removed
Tummy Tuck 
Upper Arm Lift 

Oh to be beautiful!


Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Heather wrote: I want an open mouthed bear from Shari.

Aww,thanks Heather,your so sweet!!  bear_wub   bear_wub   :hug:

I wish for all the wonderful things listed in this thread such as world peace,no hurricanes etc. I have always wanted a horse but have given up hope (been promised one that has never arrived too many times) and I pray to be able to finish my Christmas shopping before the lay-offs at my husbands work reach us. He may be safe until April when there is talk of the whole plant closing so I also wish that that does not happen.
Hmm,sorry,a bit depressing I guess.Oh,I would love to have a bookcase and a second bathroom for my three kids.
Hope we get the world peace for all.  bear_flower   :hug:

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

So you like trolls too Shelli!I am trying to replace my collection that I donated to the kids hospital about 25 years ago.I have 20 1960 dam trolls including three vikings (no ginger haired ones sadly)I buy them at jumbles and on ebay sometimes.The dam 60'snes have soft hair and glass eyes like you mentioned .In the sventies they gradually became cheaper with nasty hair and cheaper plastic.I even love the smell of them.

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

all i want for christmas is.. a body transplant... LOL !

(i even asked my Doctor if i could have one) so maybe if i ask Santa i will get one this time  bear_laugh   bear_laugh   bear_laugh

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Good health for everyone for 2006.  :hug:

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162
Daphne wrote:

I'd wish for:

3. A cure for Diabetes  :thumbsup:

I'm with you there Daphne!  Wouldn't that be an amazing gift?!!  My daughter is insulin dependant and has been for about eleven years.

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Hmmm....what do I want for Christmas?

1. I'd like the light tent that I requested for my birthday, but didn't receive.  bear_sad  My fiancee is a do-it-yourself kinda guy and said he would build one rather than buy one. Well, seems he's actually a do-it-yourslef-sometime-next-year kinda guy!

2. Jenny's white ballerina bear!

3. A big fat raise for my fiancee so we could afford to build on to our tiny house and make room for more kids.

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684


1. I would like an end to hurricanes, etc.  I'd be happy with just a break.  There are still piles of debris around and not all the stoplights are fixed (but all the intersections have at least one in each direction).  There are still blue tarps up, signs down, etc.  8 hurricanes have hit Florida since 2004.  There's even Hurricane Epsilon out there now in the Atlantic (although it's not coming to the us).  Sigh. . .

2. Like nettie said, an end to bear bile farming and other things that hurt bears like aerial gunning in Alaska, hunting, bear baiting, etc. 

3. Related to what Daphne said, a cure for cancer.  My mom is recovering from it - she had it last year - and is doing well.  But I wish there was a cure. 

Now for the more realistic ones:

4. Teddies

5. New telephone

6. Teddies

7. New printer/fax/scanner - already got from my mom because we had to pick out.

8. Teddies

9. Did I mention teddies?
Teddy wish list does not equal wallet size  bear_cry   The life of a collector. . .


I know I'm getting 2 Bumpkin Bears!  I ruined the suprise.  I emailed it to DH a month ago and just figured he ignored it like usual (I always show him lots of bears).  I saw the bear was reserved (although I didn't realize DH did it and was bummed).  Then a saw another one on ebay and liked that one so I asked DH.  Then he had to spill the beans.  Now I'm getting 2!  I think they're on their way here now!  Now that I know this email thing works and he listens, hmm. . .   My birthday is 2 weeks after Christmas

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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb