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This is the cutest kitten I think I have ever seen. … e-298.html
Just look at these puppies, they are beautiful and amazing.
Enjoy the video of this lovely lions new found fredom.
Hugs, Jane.
Wonderful video's, Jane, but those poor chihuahua's ...
Wonderful video's, Jane, but those poor chihuahua's ... :cry:
They don't know they are poor.
For 10 years I took care of a little sparrow that was pushed from her nest right after hatching. My daughter was standing right below the tree when she fell. She had no eyes. The bird rescue people wanted to put her to sleep because she would have no quality of life. She lived in a cage with friends, she outlived them so she had a few over the years. They accepted her. I never moved anything in the cage. She know where everything was. She developed a very good sense of smell, which birds in general do not have. Everyday for as long as she lived she let me take her from her cage and hand feed her bits of egg or other favorites. She had a wonderful life, because she didn't know she was missing anything.
Those little puppies will probably be carried around like babies, and be spoiled. At least I hope so.
ps. Love the videos Jane, especially the kitten. The cutest kitten I have ever seen.
All very moving videos, Jane, thanks for letting us see. Wonder what happened with the Chihuahuas - birth defect or some sort of genetic mishap? I'm assuming all pups are from the same litter.
I noticed that the Chihuahuas do have working shoulders, which seems to help their mobility a lot (when they're not hopping around like kangaroos).
I hope (along with Joanne) that they're well-loved and spoiled.
And the video of the lion is lovely, too.
As much as I've enjoyed (some) circuses and zoos in my lifetime, it's certainly time to re-consider their practices and their value. My personal opinion is that - in the case of circuses at least - their time has come and gone. (I'm looking forward to seeing Cirque du Soleil next month - my first animal-free circus. )