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TeddyFanWight Isle of Wight
Posts: 6

i'm rather new to the forum and just thought i'd share a few of my lovely bears with you. I'll update the thread when I get time.  bear_grin
The 2000 bears by Deans. "Golden Dawn" and "Nightfall". Both different numbers however; Nightfall is number three so as you can imagine I was surprised with such a rare find for such a cheap price.

Steiff "Blau 35". Another one of my fabulous finds. Picked him up for a cheap price and never looked back since.

I will be updating the thread regularly. Also got bears like Alfonzo to come so i'll take a few pics of him and get the uploaded.

Comments are appreciated. bear_wub

Nice to join such a bear loving forum.

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Welcome to the forum! And thanks for sharing your lovely bears.

I've always like the blue Elliot-style bears, and your set of Dean's bears is really striking. (I love color contrasts.)


TeddyFanWight Isle of Wight
Posts: 6

Many thanks for the warm welcome!
Generally it's hard finding Golden Dawn and Nightfall as a matching number pair. In my case after countless nights scouring the internet I came across Nightfall and when I saw his low edition number (3/2000) I just had to have him. Disappointed that I couldn't find Golden Dawn, I continued my searching until I came across one so I snaffled him up and now they're reunited, ha.  bear_grin

I'll get some more pictures up soon of other editions that I have including the illusive Alfonzo. bear_original

TeddyFanWight Isle of Wight
Posts: 6

Just an update. Here's some more bears from my collection.  bear_happy


All just as cute and lovable as each other. bear_grin

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

You do have quite a nice collection! I really like the Dean's bear with the eyeglasses and the white bear with the scarf/muffler right under him. What kind of bear is that one?


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,025

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Quite a nice collection, Linda, and a big welcome to Teddy Talk!

TeddyFanWight Isle of Wight
Posts: 6

Thanks for the welcome SueAnn  bear_original

The white bear with the scarf is called Benjamin the winter bear and he was produced by Merrythought.


TeddyFanWight Isle of Wight
Posts: 6

Just two more bears, sorry to bump the thread. bear_rolleyes


Both Hermann bears. Tell me what you think? bear_thumb  bear_happy

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021
TeddyFanWight wrote:

Both Hermann bears. Tell me what you think?

Gorgeous! I especially like the tipped mohair, but Mr. Panda with his red jingle-bell collar is stunning as well. bear_flower


TeddyFanWight Isle of Wight
Posts: 6

Many thanks Becky!

I always like to add new bears to my collection, so any chance of adding a few Hermanns is always a priority.  bear_smile

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb