For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Sorry to be so late but I finally have a picture of myself to post.It's Christmas day at my Mom's.This is my family.You may remember the kids from the other post with our children's pictures and that's hubby and me in the "purpleish "sweater.I usually take horrible pictures but this one isn't too bad.Maybe now I can get in on all those parties if someone knows how to take me out of this shoot and paste me in the user's photo's page.
Last edited by Shari (Today 07:49:30 PM)
Oops,I posted this in New Members by mistake :doh:
I dont see a pic
How about now?
Shari...what a handsome family!!!
You are absolutely beautiful, how can you say you don't take good pictures?
Remembering a past post, I don't think you look like your bears, either.
In fact I don't see the resemblance of any bears to their makers, from pictures I have seen.
Hope you get in on the TT Christmas Party now. :dance:
I see you now!!! What a beautiful family!!! I didnt know you had so many kiddies! So that is the little girl that is the proud owner of the Fur Real Chimp!!!
Shari i thought you would be older you are very pretty ,and you have a lovely family
Yes,she is the proud owner and the chimp is there with us but didn't make the pictures
Thanks,Nancy,that is not a bad picture,usually I have my eyes half closed and my mouth hanging open ,not attractive
No, I don't think I resemble my bears either
Hope I make the next TT party, see you there :hug: :dance:
:doh: I know Fran...everyone is young. Where are all the oldies but goodies?
Am i the only one? Yikes!!!
Shari, how beautiful you are, what a lovely family- thank you for posting for us to all share!
What a beautiful family Shari! You are a beautiful woman and it is so nice to put a face to those lovely bears!!!
Many Hugs Louise
Your sons look a great deal like you and so does the gorgeous bear in your avatar! Your daughter looks more like her daddy, but with your eyes.
Beautiful family! When do we get to see the chimp you made?
Shari, you have a wonderful family! :hug:
And I tatally agree with Hayley about who look like whom...
great picture! :hug:
Hugs, Julia
Shari, you are very pretty and you do have a beautiful family! I can't wait to see you at the next party!
:doh: Where are all the oldies but goodies?
Here I am!!
I don't know what you rate as being an oldie, but after both the Christmas and New Years parties I'm feeling tired and somewhat old...can I join in the oldies group?
i will go with the old ones
Shari, what a great family photo, thanks for sharing.
Shari, why have you been hiding? You are a beautiful woman. And your family is lovely, too. Your older son looks so much like you! Thanks for sharing your photo with us.
Nice to see you Shari. What a lovely family
Heres another Oldie. What a lovely family Shari, your picture is very nice and I think it would look lovely on members pics too/ Hugs Rita xxxxx
Shari you look WONDERFUL! I am so glad we can finally see you!! What family you have too. Busy lady! :hug: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: