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bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

I'd hate to try to list people, I just know I'd leave some out.  So, how about everybody!!!!  That would be great, I just have to wait for my first few million to come rolling in so I can take that leisurely trip around the world, right?

Deb wrote:

Seriously:  Did I hear someone say something about a show in Binghamton, NY?  When is it?  I'm only 45 minutes away from there.  How about an overnight?  I've got lots of room and a few of those airbeds.  bear_grin

Oh DEB!  If you're 45 minutes away from there, you HAVE to visit that show and I won't take no for an answer!  I'll come over to your house and drag you out of bed if I must 

Here's a serious answer to your question, it's the TBAI show (Teddy Bear Artist Invitational) and it's one of the most well-respected shows in the country (and is probably up on the list for best in the world, as well).  I couldn't believe something like that was in Binghamton when I found out, I must admit I've never been partial to that area.  Who knew???  This show was really a labor of love for Millie Gage and those who helped start it years ago, you can really get a sense for all the caring and hard work that went into it year after year.  You've got to come see the artists' gallery if nothing else, over 55 artists make big, elaborate creations on a specific theme and their sales benefit the Ross Park Zoo.  Walking around the gallery last year was amazing, those pieces just have to be seen to be believed.  This year's theme is Sleuths and Detectives, and we've given ourselves a major challenge with the movie my mother and I chose to take on.  You (and anyone else who can make the trip!) have got to come see it, it's in August and there's more information here:

Sorry for the hijack, you may now resume normal programming.


Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
bearlyart wrote:

Oh DEB!  If you're 45 minutes away from there, you HAVE to visit that show and I won't take no for an answer!  I'll come over to your house and drag you out of bed if I must 


And ... I'm very serious ... anybody planning on attending the show, don't spend money on hotel.  Please please please PM or email me.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     The Binghamton, N.Y. show is in August, I believe. It's an invitational show and it's a fundraiser for endangered animals.  Millie Gage started it several years ago to help raise funds for the Binghamton Zoo, but now the help different animal charities as well.  Its usually on over a weekend and there is lots of classes and fun stuff to do.  It's called TBAI (TeddyBear Artist Invitational).  You can sign up for classes etc, or you can just attend the two day sale.  I exhibited back a few years ago and it was a blast.  It's always well advertised in the magazines but you might be able to google it, if you try.



Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Brenda ~

Thanks for the background info on the show.  I could have kicked myself last year when I let the date pass by.  I could have driven back and forth each day easily.  Dang!

I'm definitely planning to go this August.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I just read this thread for the first time; thanks for "visiting" me!  To address a few points... I would be happy to share some tips on PhotoShop (but I'm not an expert, not nearly, so don't kid yourselves); delighted to show how I do my eyelids; and yes, Deb, I can talk as long as I write.  But it seems much shorter, in person.  Really.


As for the this-isn't-real, questioning of this thread... IF you could, who would you visit?...  Are you kidding me, people?  I've already decided that, next time I travel -- domestically or internationally -- one of you gets APPOINTED as the place I land with my bags and travel companions.  So get ready, cause who knows who it will be...???

Laughing here...


Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

Dilu -
If you came to see me you would be disappointed there aren't that many bunnies around most have homes before they are made. I almost can't keep up.
Did I mention that I am trying to get ready for Toy Fair, I might be able to offer you a job. It will be piece work.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

If I had the choice to travel overseas, I would go visit, Julia, Marie and Danni too bear_original

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hmm.... I have nothing to share with
everyone...but I love to learn EVERYTHINGS from all the Artists, creator and see bears plus collectors from TT.  bear_wub

Can I meet you all at Intercal ?
I like to start from Mohair Shopping.
he he he  bear_laugh 


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Yeah, lets all get together and go mohair diving!!! LMAO  I would love to have intercal down the road for me, I would love to feel mohair before I buy it bear_original

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh Kim, please don't forgot to teach
me "needle felting bear" too !  :hug:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Sure!! It is easy, a bit painful at times but easy bear_original

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Daphne, may I join you on your jet-ride around the world? Appears I don't need to stay home for visitors either!  bear_laugh

Wouldn't it really be just great if we could have a TT get-together. Sometimes when I play the lottery, it'll get me thinkin'...gee, what would I buy first? Well, now I imagine flying everyone to one central point for a week or so for a TT group-vacation...

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160
Aleta - The Silly Bear wrote:

Not wanting anybodies feelings hurt here I think it would be lovely to meet and spend a day with everyone.  From those whose work I'm familiar with and wonder, "How do they do that?", I'd have to say Clare and Diane.  I love the way Clare ages paw pads!  And, how does Diane get those little bear heads so round?! 

I think it would be great to spend a day with a beginning bear artist as well.  I taught a mohair bear class when I lived in Seattle and loved it!  It's so much fun to share the art of the bear with others.  It's infectious!!  I'd love to spend a day with beginners again.  bear_original

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

Thanks for including me Aleta.You would be more than welcome here.I hadn't noticed my bear heads were round till it was pointed out on Teddy talk!!Now I look at them they really are.Perhaps my own head is too!!!
Any time you fancy a holiday in Scotland come on over.You sound like a fabby guest to me.

Diane xxx

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

So Sandi...when are you buying that ticket!!!

How can you make me decide????  Quite simply I can't....

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Oh poo, Melissa, I haven't won yet...

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