For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I started the group and I'm still trying to learn what Facebook's all about. There's 34 members already so that can't be bad. All I need is for you all to join in...make suggestions etc. thanks for joining.
Hugs Jane.
Another Facebook member has joined your group!
ME!!! :crackup:
But I just finally joined and have to admit it's a great waste of time!! I've gotten back in touch with many friends from high school and there are lots of bear artists on there. I still have a lot to figure out but its fun to poke around... many silly quizes, polls and things you can send to your friends.... teddy bears, pokes, etc.... and causes to support........ and on and on.
So when you don't have a show to get ready for or anything else pressing to be doing check it out!
Hi Jane,,
I've joined also.
Look forward to seeing more of TT there.
love kayx.
Sorry, my friends, but Facebook is too unsafe. It is already used to manipulate people against their will or to transfer viruses to their computers. Too many people use it, this is why it is an easy target for bad people.
So I will not join you as I do not want to put my network into trouble. I guess there are not that many risks I could click on the wrong link on Facebook and get infected or anything else, but I do not want to try.
And all of you who already joined, please keep tuned about everything you hear concerning Facebook. Regularly Google Facebook and check if there are news about bad use of it that could harm you or your computer!
It was a hard choice to do as of course, if there are so many users it means more potential visitors to your pages and websites etc... At home, we have at least two computers connected as a network, which means some viruses I could catch from my computer would be able to reach Malko's. we have firewalls, but they are not stopping eveything.
Beary hugs,
Haven't heard of virus related stuff.. .mostly just about teenagers who make their addresses and phone numbers public on facebook then get stalked, etc. If you are going to be that foolish...........well..............
My anti-virus software has blocked viruses in emails from friends and potential intruders that can be traced back to some very odd and unlikely places. But Facebook... well, not yet anyway!
I get plenty of unwanted email just being a member of forums - most of which require an email at the least and it is made public one way or another. No place is completely safe!!!
I am on face book look me up. Please
Peta Smart
I'm there too :-)
Thanks for the link Jane. I had no way of getting there since I lost all my links. see you there.
Facebook teehee. Never had a problem with it at all and my mother dearest is super protective of what gets downloaded on our pooters, its a great way to keep in touch with friends, you can quickly see what 40 people have been up to and comment back to them with 2 words so they know you haven't forgotten them , it would be a time saver for me if I didn't get trapped by all the fluff and fun time wasting stuff,
I've just joined too. Now I just need to work my way around it and see what I can do
..... it would be a time saver for me if I didn't get trapped by all the fluff and fun time wasting stuff, :D
LOL!!!! Yep, that's why I'm trying not to do that stuff. But I love how I can keep in touch with friends and family!
I'm on facebook.
I'm bringing this old post up again because I was poking around with a friend in her FB and thought it was kind of fun even after a swore I would NEVER open an account of my own...well I went and did it anyway. I said that about a Blog too. :crackup: So now I need to some friends...anyone wanna be my friend? Pweeeze!!!
Merry Christmas!!
I'd love to be your friend, Shantell; on Facebook or anywhere. I'll go look you up!
I'll be your friend too, Shantell! Then you won't have to PM me to see if I'm still alive!! I post on FB every day... well, as long as I have power! :crackup:
Like most others, I'm a member of FB as well (although still learning how to use properly!) - my sister lives overseas, my brother in Tasmania and my other sister 5+ hours away so it's how we keep in touch.
Also found a long-lost cousin who we hadn't seen since we were kids when they moved interstate, so how good is that???
I love it!
Awwwww...thanks!!! I woke up from my nap to "friends."
Now to figure this FB thing out. I really need to quit saying "never." :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
I'm there as well and will look you up.
I'm well and truely open to FB friends :dance: :dance: :dance: add me folks if you havent already.
Wendy Ching
Yep, I have found it is a good way to keep up with family and friends. I don't get into a whole lot of stuff there but I check in frequently. I wouldn't know anything about what my granddaughter is into without facebbook. She doesn't live close and although I don't post much on her page I can see what she posts.
I just joined too even though I'm just a measly collector!
I have a Facebook and I'm also just a measly collector :P
If anyone wants to add me as a friend let me know!
If I'm given full names then I can add you. :dance: :dance: :dance:
I'm a FB member too Jane, but have not found any of you yet.