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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn


I am so in love with your bears.... bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  I went to peek at your website too. Ohhhh you are good.  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:


That was so cute, quite a sense of the beat :dance:    Love the way it kept bopping along even thought the little legs had given in. And the foot shake..... :crackup:  :crackup:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:


Oh, went to the web site and you can play a game to donate food..... I am going to bookmark that for every day


oh Janice thank you for posting that. It is wonderful. What a stunning woman and such happy animals.  :dance:  :clap:  :dance:  :clap:


Roxanne, good to see you healing so nicely. Still early days but stick this in the back of your mind... My hubby just about tore his foot off a few years ago and has masses of nerve damage. A Physio friend did dry needling, a bit like acupuncture and it did help him. You must be so relieved the worst is over. That was a nasty accident :hug:  :hug:  :hug:


That is very cute. But for another reason made me laugh really hard... My brother in law (who is always right) got a puppy the same color at this one.... He insisted it was called Brinjal not brindle, so whenever I see a pup like this I imagine an eggplant with tail etc.....  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:


Thomas those people that look at you strangely are just really jealous. I think every one deep down would love to hug a teddy and just don't have the guts to do it in public. I have one huggy bear with me and should I miss a day or two she looks sad too. Cant explain it. And Peter, I wish my bears would tell me what we need at home.

I think we all have person "things" to deal with and our favorite bear keeps secrets well, and makes us cope with life a little better. Even my un sentimental husband has a tigger that stays close by at all times :hug:  :hug:


ohhhhh, Bunnies.... Have to tell you a story. In my defense I have just got new specs for distance.... but. We have loads of rats here. I saw one peeping out of the grass the other day and told my hubby we had a bunny in the garden.... Now every day he asks how my bunnies are :crackup:  :crackup:


Wow. I got goosebumps and tears.. Thanks for posting that Gijzette.


oh, Jane, what a horrid end to a day. When are you going in for your op? Will send loads of positive thoughts your way.  :hug:  :hug:


Hi Audrey, Pleased you like the one I found but isn't my design. Wish it was, but aint. The artist's name is Pauline and she is from Brisbane, more than that I dont know about her. But it is a really cute little bear. And you are right the instructions are good.

I haven't tried printing that one but perhaps if you select the parts you want and paste them into one of your word programs? I use Powerpoint to do things like that.

Would like to make a suggestion though. And this is honestly my opinion and dont want to knock anyones way of doing things. I wouldn't cut the leg on a tiny bear for the pin. You end up with too many seams. But I did pick up a stunning tip somewhere along the line that I cannot remember who posted. But it works so well for me..... Sew up the leg but leave the top curve open. Stuff and put the washer and pin in place. Now you can stuff the outside of the leg and taper it and the washer gives you a nice guide to ladder stitch around.

Have fun with your bear



Have a very happy birthday Jane.  :hug:



I had a look yesterday, thought I had a few links. But the smallest I could find was this … ttern.aspx

You could reduce it by photocoyping. Otherwise I have one of mine I could scan and send to you.


I am a cat mommy, but we had a similar thing. My experience was that the fur baby has a personal preference where they want to be.... Your motel may be stunning but he just doesn't like it...  We found this out the hard way. Dino's gran used to look after our cat when we went away, she used to pop into our place a couple of times a day, play with Madam etc. But when we got home she used to display the worst social behavior every. (Take that for leaving her behind) Then Gran moved, the following time we put her into a stunning cattery. Cosy place to sleep, beautiful run with scratch pads, the whole bit. Her own food, toys and my dressing gown. She was not a happy cat. Then Dino was away and I had to go away for a few days, but Madam was on a strict medical regime at the time and I spoke to the vet. He said he would keep her there for a few days. I was beside myself, hospital type environment, boring cage etc. Anyhow, when I went to fetch her I had the distinct impression she didn't really want to come home. See, because of the medical condition she had picked up she had gotten to know the vet and assistants really well, and they liked her, so they chatted and played with her a lot. Go figure, the place that I thought would be the worst, and spent 3 nights stressing about her, turned out to be her favorite.

And 2 dogs that I had used to prefer different kennels.....

Good luck with this, it is distressing when you have to be away and you don't think your animals are happy.


Please take pics for us... Jane always does wonderful pics of the show but no one takes pics of Jane  :photo: hope you and Toast have a wonderful time.


Cyndee, the internet connection to the Philippines seems to be fixed now, I am not sure about Japan, Taiwan etc. There was an under sea earthquake on Tuesday just off Japan that knocked out communication systems. Had been switched to satellite but was slow or non existent.

The area that was worst hit here was close to where I went to the rice terraces, so I can understand the devastation. What saddens me is that it is preventable to a large degree. I saw one house that had been washed away in a mud slide and there had only been moderate rain. And we were stuck  behind a landslide. This was on  the main road between towns and there has been no attempt to stop further slides. The road was just graded and cleared. Just below that was a cluster of homes. My soap box is in for repairs so not going to get too carried away, but for a place that experiences terrible weather so much could be done to prevent families being destroyed. I know you cant prevent tragedies in extreme cases, but it is common for homes to be completely flattened in even smaller storms. Ironically it was a Phillippino guy who invented a mesh made of coconut husk to lay over unstable banks.... I have never seen it used here.


Hi Cyndee, I am here bear_thumb  Davao has just had flooding, we dont really get typhoons. I was in Manila when Joline and Kiko (Morakot) came through. Dino was in Catabato and his flight was canceled because of the weather and he sat there for a couple of extra days. Not a lot of fun because there is huge fighting there and they were only allowed to be in their hotel or office. I had in the meantime gone to Manila to meet him. But we got it together eventually. Manila itself wasn't too badly hit but the northern part of the island was. On Friday (last week) Dino had to go to Hong Kong from Manila and managed to get there and back before the worst of it.

The main internet under sea lines have been damaged and this is the first time in a few days I have been able to get online, so I don't know if you will hear from too many people for the next few days.

I was also in Manila at the time of the former president's death and ceremonies. I have never experienced anything like it. Literally 1000's of people lined up to pay their last respects, they stood in the heat for hours just for a few seconds next to her coffin. When they moved her body to the Cathedral they had to close off streets because of the amount of people. And her funeral procession on Wednesday should have taken an hour and it took 8 hours, to go 10 kilometers. Once again 1000's of people lined the streets and the four guards that stood by her coffin had to stand to attention for 8 hours on the back of a truck.  Understand also that this was while Morakot was passing and there was so much rain and heavy wind. And still people stood. It was all a very humbling experience.


Hi Lynette

What about taking stuff on consignment. You get your shelves full and people get exposure??? Good luck with your shop :hug:


Hi Ren, I also cant find it on your Artfire. Looked yesterday and it was there and I was going to get a bit that you could send with the bear later, but now I can only see 6 bears and it wont allow me to page any further. Is it me having another "moment" :redface:


Hi Natascha

Thank you for posting your holiday pics. I am waiting for the next episode. Boy I miss Africa. So happy you had a good holiday. Something about being in the bush that just recharges your batteries.


Hi Tami, I did vote on your poll but found it to be a complicated question really. Your wings are your "trademark". And even thought apple is really cute I looked for her wings. I don't mean that she is lacking anything by not having wings, it is just that as I knew she was yours she should have wings. So perhaps people just need to learn that some don't have wings. You do know you going to end up with 3 ranges.... Doogles, vintage bears and forgotten angel bears :dance:  :dance:


Funny you brought this up. I was thinking about this yesterday. Gijzette and I did a swap. And funny things happened while making the bears. It would have been great to have a "diary" of things that happened. Line when I went to get the flowers for her skirt etc. Almost like people document their pregnancies....


Thanks Wendy, And a HUGE thank you to Gijzette. It was as a fun swap. And we discovered that our bears are very alike. A couple of funny things happened along the way. Pity it is over. I love my little Kalista, and specially because Gijzette was so busy. She arrived with a little house that is too cute, and some mohair. What a wonderful parcel. Without discussing what we were making at all.... here is what I got from Gijzette.....



ohhhhh, and an egg cup and tiny mug to match :dance:  :dance:  :dance:


They are very beautiful. And yes can understand the kiln thing, to a lesser degree, I feel like that when I have to use the oven here......

How about baby cereal bowls? I have an old Jack and Jill one (think Villeroy & Boch, but in storage so cant check, think I may have a pic, will look if you need it) But it had a story and pics in the bottom of the bowl, and I remember it being such fun to get to the bottom of the porridge to get to the pics....

Your work would suit that sooooo well


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